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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/985

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Howard, Samuel, musical composer, 59 373

                    England. 1710-1782 

Howabth, Ellen C. ("clemen-

      Tine"), poet.UNiTED States, 1827-1899 
    12 279 507 

Howe (howel), Julia Ward, poet, 295 848

               United States, 1819-1910 

Howel (howell), James, writer,

historian Wales, 1595-1666 348 370 592 904 914 Howells, William Dean, author, United States, 1837-1920 75 348 568 Howitt, Mart, author and moralist, England, about 1804-1888 135 224 253 578 745 754 787 Howitt, William, Quaker, poet, 329 writer England, 1795-1879 Howland, Mrs. Robert Shaw (Miss 718 Woolsey), active in sanitary service in Virginia during the Civil War. Hotle, Edmund, writer on card 200 games England, 1672-1769 Hoyt, Henry 663 Hoyt, J. K., journalist and writer, compiler of "The Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations." United States, 1820-1895 184 572 770 Hott, Ralph, clergyman and poet, 529 United States, 1810-1878 Hubbard, Elbert, lecturer, writer, United States, 1859-1915 7 364 571 788 Hudson, ballad writer, tobacconist, 909 England, first part of 19th Cent. Hueffer, Ford Madox, poet, 727 England, 1873-L. Hughes, Rupert, novelist, poet, 78 dramatist.. .united States, 1872-L. Hughes, Thomas, lawyer, miscella- 446 neous writer England, 1822-1896 Hugo, Victor Marie, lyric poet and novelist France, 1802-1885 59 69 122 202 208 236 305 309 327 417 456 470 526 687 707 737 750 825 848 873 890 Hull, Arthur 848 Huloet, Richard, lexicographer, 639 Enoland, living 1552 Humboldt, Fred Heinrich Alex. Baron Von, savant, traveler, Germany, 1769-1859 375 619 Hume, Alexander, poet and minister, Scotland, about 1560-1609 152 764 824 911 Hume, David, philosopher, historian, 763 Scotland, 1711-1776 Hume, Joseph, politician.ScoTLAND, 1777-1855 • 330 Hunt, G. W., "Kipling of the Halls," 848 Hunt, Helen, see Jackson, Helen Hunt Hunt, James Henry Leigh, poet and littérateur England, 1784-1859 273 279 336 417 457 470 491 542 559 613 617 622 649 682 834 839 845 884 914 Hunter, Anne (Mrs. John Hunter), 348 writer England, 1742-1821 Hunter, John, classical scholar, 100 Scotland, 1745-1837 Hurd, Richard, D.D., writer and 648 critic England, 1720-1808 Hurdis, Rev. James, poet, 427 England, 1763-1801 Hurlburt, Wm. Henry, journalist, 524 United States, 1827-1895 Hutcheson, Francis, metaphysician 351 675 Ireland,1694-1747 Hutchinson, Ellen M. (mrs. Cor- 578 Tissoz), author and journalist, United States, L. Huxley, Thomas, scientist, 446 England, 1825-1895 Hyde, Edward, see Clarendon, EdWard Hyde. Ibn, Ezra, 342 Ibsen, Henrik, dramatist, poet, Norway, 1828-1906 295 394 Ibu'l, Athir, Arabian historian, 925 1160-1234 Iglesias De La Casa Jose, poet, 899 Spain, 1753(?)-1791 Ingalls, John James, U. S. Senator, United States, 1833-1900 370 571 ♦ingelow, Jean, poet.. .england, 1830-1897 Inoemann, Bernhard S., poet and 45 novelist Denmark, 1789-1862 Ingersoll, Robert Green, atheist, controversalist United States, 1833-1899 470 612 663 Ingram, John Kells, scholar, economist, poet Ireland, 1823-1907 401 586 Inscriptions: on a cannon 659 on a library 439 on Berlin Royal Library 439 on the gates of Busyrane 142 on the great bell of Munster,

 Schauffausen 67 

on the Temple of Apollo at

       Delphi 420 
     over the library at Thebes 78 
      (See others under Epitaph) 

Insulus, Alanus De (alain De 34

L'isle), author.. .england, 12th Cent. Iphicrates, see Hippocrates Irailh, Abbe A. S., writer, 913 France, 1719-1794 Ireland, Wm. Henry, novelist, for- 32 923 ger of Shakespeare MSS., England, 1777-1835 Iriarte, see Yriarte, Tomas De Irons, Dr. Wm. Josiah, divine, 531 writer England, 1812-1883 Irving, Washington, author and humorist. . . United States, 1783-1859 205 212 266 332 366 490 522 687 802 868 916 Irwin, Wallace, editor, writer of 351 sketches, stories and verse, United States, 1876-L. I. S. S. G., in Fraser's Magazine, 569 August, 1863, article on Mr. Buckle in the East. Isidore of Seville, encyclopedist, 446 historian Spain, 560(?)-636 Isle Of Ladies, old poem. 707 Isocrates, orator, Athens, B.c. 436 about 338 192 779 Italian Tales Of Humour, Gal- 695 Lantry And Romance. Jack, Jugler, in Dodsley's Old Plays 526 Jackson, Andrew, statesman and general United States, 1767-1845 268 586 832 Jackson, Helen Hunt, "Helen Hunt," poet and author, United States, 1831-1885 38 55 64 156 162 260 298 326 388 470 471 494 501 516 581 684