946 NAMES, NATIVITY, ETC., OF QUOTED AUTHORS Henshaw, Joseph, Bishop, author, 231 446 England, 1603-1679 HERACLrrus,Greekphilosopher, 190 514 lived B.C. 500
- Herbebt, Geoboe, English poet,
Wales, 1593-1632 Herfobd, Oliveb, humorist, poet, illustrator. . . United States, 1863-L. 242 365 561 802 Hebo and Leandeb, old ballad. 29 Hebodotus, Greek historian, "Father of history," B.C. 484-109(?) 226 248 351 617 694 703 735 832
- Heeeick, Robebt, poet and clergy-
man England, 1591-1674 Hebelossohn, Kael, novelist and 69 poet Geemany, 1804-1849 Hebschell, Faeeee, Lord Chancel- 806 lor England, 1837-1899 Heevey, Thomas Kibble, poet and journalist England, 1799-1859
406 537 703 726
Heewegh, Geoege, political poet, 354 Geemany, 1817-1875 Hesiod, poet . , Greece, about b.c. 800
226 397 648 742 745 795 879
882 Hewitt, Abeam Stevens, politician, 332 United States, 1822-1903 Heywood, John, dramatist, earliest collector of English sayings as Proverbs. First printed 1546. Reprint, 1662, in Works, England, 1506-1565 211 348 351 384 396 470 484 511 533 600 639 641 643 645 650 695 776 872 873 883 909 914 Heywood, Thomas, actor and drama- tist England, died about 1650
69 91 121 138 169 192 259 357 423 701 776
Hickson, Wm. Edwaed, socialist, 814 educational writer.ENGLAND, 1803-1870 Hieronymus, Greek historian, 550 Syracuse, about b.c. 300 Higginson, John, author, 663 United States, 1616-1708 Higginson, T. W., writer, 141 United States, 1823-1911 Hill, Aaron, writer. . . .England, 1685-1750
470 516 564 617 639 811 890
Hill, Rowland, preacher, 537 England, 1744-1833 Hillaed, George S., writer, lawyer, 398 and orator. .United States, 1808-1879 Hippocrates or Iphicrates, physi- cian and writer, Island Cos, about B.C. 460-375 24 43 196 Hitopadesa, Tales op. Part of the 504 Panchatantra (original fables of Bidpai) Hobbes, John Oliver, see Ceaigie, Pearl, M. T. Hobbes, Thomas, philosopher and author England, 1588-1679
312 446 634 658 904 909
Hoby, Sib Edwaed, diplomatist, con- 570 troversialist, royal favorite, England, 1560-1617 Hodgson, Ralph, poet. .England, 1872(?)-
303 655 679
Hoffman, Charles Fenno, poet and 875 novelist United States, 1806-1884 Hoffman, Ernst T. W. A., novelist, 39 writer Germany, 1776-1822 Hogg, James, "TheEttrick Shepherd," poet Scotland, 1772-1835
427 470 545 787 841
Hokewill or Hakewill, George, 232 531 Eng. theologian and writer. . .1578-1649 Holcroft, Thomas, dramatist, 373 762 translator England, 1744-1809 Holiday or Holyday, Barten, cler- 804 gyman, author . . . England, 1593-1661 HOLINSHED (HOLINGSHED) , RAPHAEL, 93 English chronicler, died 1580. Holland, Henry Richard Fox, 742 Lobd, statesman, satirist, writer England, 1773-1840 Holland, Josiah Gilbeet, "Timothy Titconib," author, United States, 1819-1881 44 54 309 489 537 879 Holland, Philemon, writer and 639 translator England, 1552-1637 Holland, Sib Richard, poet, 100 Scotland, living, 1450 Holley, Mabietta, humorist, story 521 writer United States, 1844-L. ♦Holmes, Oliveb Wendell, author, wit and poet, United States, 1809-1894 Holt, Sir John, jurist. . . England, 1642-1709
Holyrake, Geoege Jacob, miscella- 848 neous writer, co-operator, England, 1817-1906 Home, John, dramatist . . Scotland, 1724-1808
838 900
♦Homer, poet, Smyrns or Chios (Scio), about B.C. 1000 Hone, William, writer, bookseller, 86 England, 1779-1842 Honeywood, St. John, poet, 909 United States, 1763-1798
- Hood, Thomas, poet and humorist
England, 1798-1845 Hood, Thomas, Jr., writer, 277 England, 1835-1874 Hook, James, organist, composer, 865 > England, 1746-1827 Hook, Theodobe, novelist, drama- 637 tist, wit England, 1788-1841 Hookeb, Richard, divine and author England, 1553-1600 240 317 518 630 634 645 Hoole, John, dramatist and trans- lator England, 1727-1803
666 811
Hope, Anthony, see Hawkins, Anthony Hope Hoopeb, Ellen Stubgis, poet, 207 England, 1816-1841 Hooper, Lucy, poet, 383 United States, 1816-1841 Hopkins, Jane Ellice, social reform- 309 er England, 1836-1904 Hopkinson, Joseph, jurist and au- 22 thor United States, 1770-1842 ♦Horace, Quintus Horatius Flac- cus, poet Italy, b.c. 65-8 Horne, Richard Hengist, poet and dramatist England, 1807-1884
88 127 342 430 908
Horne, Thomas Hartwell, bishop 908 and author England, 1780-1862 Hobozco, Jean de 666 Hoskyns-Abrahall, writer, church- 676 man, educator, England, 1828 (?)- d. after 1891 Hovey, Richard, poet, journalist. United States, 1864-1900 38 263 379 747 750 802 809 848 865 How, William Walsham, English 869 clergyman and writer 1823-1897 Howard, Edwaed ("Ned