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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/987

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Kenton, James Benj., poet, 737 United States, 1858- Kepler, John, scientist, astronomer, Germany, 1571-1630 317 657 Keppel, Lady Caroline, reputed 471 author of Robin Adair, Great Britain, 1735- Kerr, Orpheus C, see Newell, Robert H. Key, Francis Scott, jurist and poet, 274 United States, 1779-1843 Key, Thomas Hewitt, philologist, 514 England, 1799-1875 Khayyam, Omar, see Omar. Kilmer, Joyce, poet, journalist, sol- dier, killed in action, United States, 1886-1918 727 750 813 King, Benjamin Franklin, Jr., humorist, poet. United States, 1857-1894 242 561 King Edward and the Shepherd, 643 M. S. poem, about 1300 King, Henry, bishop, poet, England, 1592-1669 287 893 King, John, bishop, 221 England, living 1594, King, Stoddard, song writer, pres. cent. 202 King, William, satirist, Jacobite, miscellaneous writer, England, 1685-1763 29 461 626 Kinglake, Alex. Wm., lawyer, his- 848 torian England, 1811-1891 Kingsley, Charles, clergyman and author England, 1819-1875

29 40 46 132 184 185 255 

317 322 327 366 447 497 501 582 615 691 727 791 837 877 909 914 923 Kipling, Rudyard, English writer of prose and verse .... Bombay, 1865-L. 44 57 100 101 115 116 199 208 224 235 257 275 287 295 305 311 417 421 456 471 490 514 531 599 603 626 684 703 718 727 755 769 778 804 805 810 849 891 900 904 910 914 Kirchmayer (Naogeorgius) , Thom- 470 as, German Latin poet 1511-1563 Kitchener of Khartum, Horatio 849 Herbert, general, statesman, soldier Ireland, 1850-1916 Kittridge, Walter, poet, 732 United Stateb, 19th Century Knight, Joseph, translator, 464 United States, 1829-1907 Knolles, Richard, writer, 340 England, about 1545-1610 Knowles, Frederic Lawrence, poet, editor United States, 1869-L.

170 471 732 

Knowles, James Sheridan, dram- 740 atist and actor .... Ireland, 1784-1862 Knox, Henry, general secretary of 861 war United States, 1750-1806 Knox, J. Mason, 727 United States, 20th Century Knox, Philander C, U. S. senator, 523 sec. of state, attorney-general,1853-1921 Knox, William, poet, writer, 632 Scotland, about 1789-1825 Koran (Al Koran; Arabic). The sacred book of the Mohamme- dans. Composed chiefly by Mo- hammed, claimed by believers to have been revealed by Allah. 78 185 317 353 594 Koster (Coster) , Laurens Jansoon, 633 reputed earliest inventor of movable type. .Holland, 1370(?)-1440 Kremborq, Alfred, editor, poet, 713 United States, 1883-L. Krummacher, F. A., theologian and 338 writer Germany, 1768-1845 Kyd (Kid), Thomus, dramatist, 217 England, 1557-1595(7) L Laborde, Leon E. S. J., Comte de, 559 archaeologist, traveler..FRANCE, 1807-1869 Labouchere, Henry, Baron Taun- 3 ton, English Whig statesman, 1798-1869

  • La Bruyère, Jean de, writer, moral-

ist France, 1644-1696 La Chaussee, Pierre Claude N., 236 dramatist France, 1692-1754 Lactantts (Lactantius), Lucius 93 Cjbcilius, "The Christian- Ci- cero," Latin father, apologist, rhetorician, lived 4th Cent.

  • La Fontaine, Jean, poet and fabul-

ist, France, 1621-1695 La Girandiere, 283 La Harpe, Jean Francois de, critic and poet France, 1739-1803


Lamartine, Alphonse de, poet and historian France, 1792-1869

332 490 589 607 
  • Lamb, Charles, essayist and humor-

ist England, 1775-1834 Lamont, Daniel S., journalist, Sec- 818 retary of War under Cleveland, United States, 1851-1905 Lampton, Col. William Jas., jour- 459 nalist, writer of prose and verse, United States, 1859-1917 Lancaster, George Eric pres. cent. 417 Landon, Letitta E., poet, England, 1802-1839 38 682 724 904 Landor, Walter Savage, author, England, 1775-1864 232 418 487 497 542 567 701 767 Lang, Andrew, poet, essayist, critic, compiler Scotland, 1844-1912

79 620 923 

Langbridge, Frederick, poet, 707 England, 1849- Langford, G. W., 742 Langford, John Alfred, author, 79 England, 1823-1884 Langhorne, John, poet and trans- lator England, 1735-1779


Langland, William, poet, disciple of Wyclif, reputed author of Piers Ploughman, England, 1332(?)-1400(?) 317 551 595 650 Lanier, Sidney, poet, United States, 1842-1881

114 537 545 718 

Lanigan, George Thos., journalist, 553 Canada, 1845-1886 Lannes, Jean de, Marshal of France, 586 France, 1769-1809 La Noue, FRANgois de, "Bras de 182 Per," general France, 1531-1591 Lansdowne, Henry, Marquis of, Whig statesman, reformer, England, 1780-1863 170 263 Lansing, Robert, Secretary of State, 849 jurist United States, 1864-L. Lapide, Cornelius a, biblical com- 313 mentator Belgium, 1566(?)-1637