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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/988

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La Place, Pierre Simon, Marquis 318 de, mathematician, astronomer, France, 1749-1827 Larned, Julia 832 Larcom, Lucy, poet, United States, 1826-1893 38 84 326 413 567 718 747

  • La Rochefoucauld, FRANgois, Due

de, moralist and courtier, France, 1613-1680 La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, 672 Francois, philanthropist, social reformer France, 1747-1827 Lathrop, George Parsons, American 861 author Hawaii, 1851-1898 Lathrop, Mary T. 472 Latimer, Hugh, reformer, 272 England, about 1472-1555 Latour d'Auvergne, T. M. C. de, 373 soldier France, 1743-1800 Laud, William, prelate, Archbishop 383 of Canterbury. . . .England, 1573-1645 Lauder, Sir Harry (Mac-Lennan), 206 472 writer of songs and music, sketches, popular singer, Scotland, 1870-L. Laurier. Rt. Hon. Sir Wilfred, 224 first French-Canadian premier of Canada Quebec, 1841-1919 Law, Rt. Hon. Andrew Bonar, mer- 849 chant, statesman, New Brunswick, 1858-L. Law Maxims.

149 154 236 432 486 523 

Layard, Sir Austen Henry, English 849 Orientalist and antiquary, France, 1817-1894 Lazarus, Emma, poet, 553 United States, 1849-1887 Lear, Edward, landscape painter, writer, humorist . . England, 1813-1888 75 550 560 Lebrun, Gilliaume Pigatjlt, novelist France, 1742-1835

653 892 

Lee, Charles, English-American ma- 859 jor general 1731-1782 Lee, Gerald Stanley, professor, lecturer, writer, United States, 1862-L. 22 86 115 341 366 528 635 831 Lee-Hamilton, Eugene J., poet, 567 novelist England, 1845-1907 Lee, Henry, general 861 United States, 1756-1818 Lee, Nathaniel, dramatist, England, 1658-1691 59 490 750 763 766 778 841 849 Le Gallienne, Richard, poet, critic, writer England, 1866-L.

340 804 849 

Leibnitz, Baron Gottfried Wil- 305 helm, philosopher and mathematician Germany, 1646-1716 Leigh, Henry S., author and dramatist England, 1837-1883

212 400 882 

Leighton, Archbishop Robert, emi- 514 nent divine . England, about 1612-1684 Leighton, Oscar 123 Leland, Charles Godfrey, litterateur United States, 1824-1903

95 248 403 418 436 447 472 

591 747 772 774 813 877 914 Leland, John, dissenting divine, 574 England, 1691-1766 Lemierre, Antoine Marin, dramatic poet France, 1723-1793

322 742 

Lemoine, Pierre, poet and Jesuit, 795 France, 1602-1671 Lemon, Mark, dramatist, humorist, 110 and editor England, 1809-1870 Lenthal (Lenthall), William, law- 248 yer, speaker of Long Parliament England, 1591-1662 Leonidas, poet Greece, about b.c. 275


Leopold, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau, 849 marshal, commander-in-chief, Prussia, 1676-1747 L'Epine, Ernest, litterateur, 578 France, 1826Le Roux de Lincy, A. J. V., archeologist, 1806-1869 198 199 889 Le Sage, Alain Rene, romancer and dramatist France, 1668-1747

196 467 637 639 884 

Lessing, Gotthold, Ephraim, author and critic Germany, 1729-1781

65 248 253 312 318 327 358 

3,60 408 421 609 771 891 L'Estrange, Sir Roger, partisan writer England, 1616-1704


Lever, Charles James, novelist, 401 Ireland, 1806-1872 Levis, duc de, French writer, 569 France, 1764-1830 Lewes, George Henry, learned author England, 1817-1878

309 342 432 534 614 

Lewis, Henry Taliaferro, clergyman, 630 United States, 1823-1870 Lewis, Matthew Gregory, "Monk Lewis," novelist and dramatist, England, 1775-1818 396 472 Leyden, John, poet and antiquary, 45 Scotland, 1775-1811 Liancourt, see La RochefoucauldLiancourt. Libanius, Greek sophist and rhetori- 844 cian Syria, 314-393 Lichtwer, Magnus Gottfried, fabu- 925 list Germany, 1719-1783 Lieven, Dorothea, Princess de, 330 Russian politician, intriguer, the "Egeria of Guizot," 1784-1857 Life of Iponydon, M. S. in the British 271 Museum. Ligne, Prince de, general and au- 332 thor Austria, 1735-1814 Lillo, George, dramatist, 447 England, 1693-1739 Lincoln, Abraham, sixteenth Pres. U. S United States, 1809-1865

182^236 248 298 318 332 458 

563 586 589 675 715 727 849 861 Lindsay, (Lyndsay), Sir David, 407 poet, king of arms, Great Britain, 1490-1555 Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel, poet, United States, 1879-L. 129 360 553 554 Lines chalked on a Sentry Box. 725 Linley, George, musical composer and poet England, 1798-1865

202 376 507 

Linschoten, Jan Hugh van, voyager, 550 Holland, 1536-1633 llnsingen, von alexander a., 1850-849 Linton, William James, wood en- 271 graver and author.ENQLAND, 1812-1897 Lisle, Claude Joseph Rouget de, see Rouget. Lissauer, Ernst, author. Germany, 1882-


Livingstone, David, missionary, ex- 389 plorer in Africa, writer, Scotland, 1817-1873