NAMES, NATIVITY, ETC., OF QUOTED AUTHORS Marino, poet Italy, 1569-1625 734 Marius, Caius, Roman dictator, gen- 432 eral B.C. 155-86 Mahkham, Edwin, poet, United States, 1852-L. 327 425 459 Marlbebrouck (marbrocgh), S'en 851 Va-t-en Guerre, old French song Marlowe, Christopher, dramatist, England, 1564-1593 60 102 125 144 251 263 363 373 406 414 463 473 675 680 865 884 914 Marmion, Shakerley, dramatist, 15 England, 1602-1639 Marmontel, Jean Francois, writer, France, 1723-1794 392 674 Marot, Clement, French poet, 102 Cahors, 1495-1544 Marquis, Donald, R. P. ("don Marquis"), journalist, humorist, poet. .united States, 1878-L. 60 263 397 918 919 Marriage Of Wit And Sense 893 Marrtat, Captain Frederick, naval 120 officer, novelist..England, 1792-1848 Marsden, William, Orientalist, numismatist, antiquarian, 641 807 Enoland, 1754-1836 Marshall, John, Chief Justice, 333 statesman, expounder of Constitution. ... United States, 1755-1835 Marston, John, dramatist, satirist and divine. .england, about 1575-1634 268 272 284 490 636 642 ♦martial, Marcus Valerius, Latin epigrammatic poet, Spain, about A.d. 43-104 Martin, Edward Sanford, 865 866 editor, critic, essayist, poet, United States, 1856-L Martin, Theodore, writer and trans- 205 lator Scotland, 1816-L. Mahtineau, Harriet, miscellaneous 734 writer England, 1802-1876 Martiniere, Antoine Augustin. 609 French writer 1662-1749 "marvel, Ik," see Mitchell, Donald G. Marvell, Andrew, patriot and satirical writer England, 1620-1678 7 75 111 172 248 314 315 333 589 788 796 914 Marvin, Fred. R., clergyman, poet, 920 United States, 1847-1919 Mary, Queen of Scott, daughter of James V of Scotland 1542-1587 293 626 Marzials, Theophile, English song writer Brussels, 1850 559 806 Masefield, John, poet, novelist critic England, 1878-L. Ill 121 172 263 318 333 345 360 448 458 474 510 515 627 666 851 873 Mason, Agnes Carter, poet, 55 United States, 1835-1908 Mason, William, poet, painter and musician England, 1725-1797 342 576 775 Massachusetts, Constitution Of 675 Massey, Gerald, poet. .england, 1828-1894 15 26 55 72 358 376 389 416 498 571 914 Massieu, Jean Baptists, ecclesiastic, 336 France, 1742-1822 Massinger, Philip, dramatic poet, England, 1584-1640 5 102 159 252 258 370 395 474 490 496 498 553 555 586 612 652 695 711 763 776 840 851 880 898 900 Masters, Edgar Lee, poet, United States, 1869-L. 122 546 709 738 796 Mather, Cotton, Congregational 273 392 minister, writer, United States, 1663-1729 Matthews, Albert, compiler and 861 author United States, 1860 Maturin, Charles Robert, poet and novelist Ireland, 1782-1824 474 706 869 Maule, Sir Wm. Henry, judge, 86 493 England, 1788-1858 Maurier, George L. P. B. Du, 816 French-English artist, novelist, writer 1834-1896 Maximus, Valerius, see Valerius Maximus. May Fair, Satire (1827) 462 Mayhew, Henry, miscellaneous 498 900 writer England, 1812-1887 Mayir (meir), Rabbi, Ben Isaac, L., 317 French Scholar of 12th Cent. Mayne, Jasper, divine and poet, 796 England, 1604-1672 Mayo, George Morrow, journalist, 727 poet United States, 1896-L. Mazarin, Jules (giulio), Italian- 713 French cardinal, statesman, 1602-1661 Mazzini, Giuseppe, patriotand writer, Italy. 1808-1872 208 318 333 448 Medley, Samuel, sailor, clergyman, 310 poet England, 1738-1799 Mee, William, poet, journalist, 260 England, 1788-1862 Meibom (meibomius), Heinrich, 661 physician, historian, Germany, 1638-1700 Melbourne, Wm. Lamb, Lord, 612 statesman England, 1779-1848 Melchior, see Polignac, Melchior De. Meldenius, Rupertus 107 Meleager, poet Greece, 1st Cent. B.C. 323 Meliter, Ulricus 245 Mellin, Grenville, poet, 851 United States, 1799-1841 Menage, Gilles (giles), lexicographer, satirist.... France, 1613-1692 159 206 240 521 594 Menagiana, a collection of anecdotes, sayings, etc., by Menage (see above). Menander, dramatic poet, Greece, B.c. 342-291 83 172 240 323 709 820 852 891 905 Mencius, philosopher, China, about B.c. 370-290 184 333 340 712 Mennes (mennis), Sir John, seaman, traveler, poet, compiler of Musarum Delicwe, England, 1591-1671 611 641 843 Mephan, Walter 648 Mercier, Louis Sebastian, eccentric writer France, 1740-1814 246 687 Meredith, Louisa A., author, 73 England, 1812-1895 "meredith, Owen," see Lytton, EdWard, Lord Merie Tales Of The Madmen Of 86 , Gottam. (1630)
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