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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/990

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952 NAMES, NATIVITY, ETC., OF QUOTED AUTHORS McCartney, Frances (Fulke-Gbe- 88 ville). McClellan, G. B., general, 842 United States, 1826-1885 McCormick, Caroline. 806 McCrae, Lieut.-Col. John, surgeon, 614 851 pathologist, killed in action, Canada, — 1918 McCreery, John Luckey, journalist, 171 United States, 1835-1906 MacDonald, George, novelist, Scotland, 1824-1905 3 15 26 55 60 73 79 114 232 248 268 280 312 318 339 344 357 358 364 371 389 391 392 564 633 679 722 747 785 817 820 824 826 921 McDonald, London Times staff cor- 891 respondent. . England, about 1855 McDowell, Edward Alex., pianist, 370 musical composer, United States, 1861-1908 McDupple, George, politician, gov- 200 ernor of South Carolina, United States, 1788-1851 Macfarland, Wilma Kate, poet, 447 pres. cent. Macfarren, Sir George Alex., 116 musician, dramatist, Great Britain, 1813-1887 McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, Canadian 656 journalist Ireland, 1825-1868 Machiavelli, or Macchiavelli, statesman, diplomatist, and writer Italy, 1469-1527

410 432 463 571 851 

Mackay, Charles, poet and song writer Scotland, 1814-1889

171 307 364 414 549 615 781 

807 851 862 McKinley, William, 25th president 851 of U. S., statesman, United States, 1843-1901 Mackintosh, Sir James, author, orator, and statesman, Scotland, 1765-1832 333 384 423 610 638 Mclagan, Alexander, 851 McLellan, Murdoch, 851 Macklin, Charles, actor and dramatist Ireland, 1690-1797


MacMahon, M. E. P. M., Marshal 851 and President of France, France, 1808-1893 McNally, Leonard, barrister, 473 Ireland, 1752-1826 MacNeil, Hester 900 MacPherson, James, poet, 766 Scotland, 1738-1796 MacSwiney, Terence Jos. M. P., 586 Lord Mayor of Cork, self-mar- Madden, Richard Robt., miscel- 904 laneous writer, politician, Ireland, 1798-1886 Madden, Samuel, clergyman and 904 writer Ireland, 1687-1765 Madelon, French song popular in 473 the World War. Mjbcenas, Cilnius, Roman states- 447 man, patron of lotters, about B.C. 73 Maeterlinck, Maurice, author, dramatist, philosopher, Belgium, 1862-L. 172 305 767 768 Magna Carta 432 Mahomet or Mohammed, prophet 50 544 and founder of Islam, Arabia, a.d. 670-632 Mahomet II., "The Great," sultan, conqueror of Constantinople, 1430-1481 544 823 Mahony, Francis, "Father Prout," writer and wit Ireland, 1804-1866


MaINTENON, FrANCOISE D'Aubigne, 697 MME.DE,mistressofLouisXD7., France, 1635-1719 Malcolm, Sir John, Anglo-Indian 842 administrator, soldier, diplomatist, writer 1769-1833 Malherbe, Francois de, lyric poet, France, 1555-1628 668 680 734 Malines, Joseph" 159 Mallet (Malloch), David, poet, Scotland, about 1706-1765 574 904 Malloch, Douglas, 102 Malone, Judge Walter, 571 United States, 1866-1915 Malory, Sir Thomas, knight soldier, 144 his Morte d' Arthur is abridged from Arthurian romance, England, -1470 Manasses, Constantine, Greek historian, poet of 12th Cent. 397 609 Mandale, W. R. 521 Manilius, Manlius, or Mallius, Marcus or Caius, Latin poet in reign of Augustus or Tiberius, 95 172 219 245 318 425 432 447 481 515 760 796 Mann, Horace, LL.D., educationist, United States, 1796-1859

386 422 595 633 650 837 

Manners, Lord John (Marquis of 493 560 Granby), general. . England, 1721-1770 Manning, Richard Irvine, Gov. of 715 South Carolina, United States, 1789-1836 Manrique, Don Jorge, poet, Spain, about 1420-1485 542 851 Mansel, Henry L., philosopher, dean 569 of St. Paul's England, 1820-1871 Mansel, William Lort, wit, classical 307 scholar England, 1783-1820 Mansfield, Sib James, Lord Chief Justice England, 1733-1821

616 716 819 

Mantuanus, Batttsta, Latin poet of Mantua 1448-1516


Manu, Hindu sage, reputed author 504 of a code of laws Manuel, Don Juan, Prince of Castile, politician, author of El Conde Lucanor (Libro de Patronio) Spain, 1282-1349


Manwood, Sir Roger, judge, writer 86 on forest laws England, 1525-1593 Map (Mapes), Walter, poet, wit, 590 ecclesiastic, writer, England, 1150(?)-1208(9) Marcellinus, Ammianus, see Ammianus Marcellinus. Mahck, Erard de la, cardinal, 233 prince, Bishop of Liege, France, 1472-1538 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, see Antoninus. Marcy, William L., statesman, 832 United States, 1786-1857 Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria, 172 -1780