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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/998

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960 NAMES, NATIVITY, ETC., OP QUOTED AUTHORS Quesnay, Francois, economist, 611 France, 1694-1774 Quesnel, Pasquter, Roman Catholic 925 theologian France, 1634-1719 Quilleb-Couch, Sir A. T., poet, 625 882 novelist England, 1863-L. Quinault, Philippe, dramatist, 880 France, 1635-1688 Quincey, Thomas De, author, England, 1785-1859 253 386 531 566 648 461 487 885 Quincy, Josiah, lawyer, patriot, 295 854 United States, 1744-1775 Quintilian, Marcus Fabius, Roman rhetorician and critic, Spain, about a.d. 35-95 2 21 44 61 65 119 240 245 284 291 309 347 377 384 429 486 515 551 601 637 644 659 732 743 774 797 812 821 838 854 882 905 Qutntus, Curtis Rufus, Roman historian, supposed to have lived about 2nd Cent. 190 199 242 264 268 272 291 337 347 353 551 587 592 619 637 659 709 813 837 Qutntus, Enntus, see Ennius Quintus. ♦Rabelais, Francois, humorist and satirist France, about 1495-1553 Rabindranath, Tagore, see Tagohe. Rabuttn, see Busst-Rabuttn. Racan, Honore de Buell, Marquis 717 de, poet France, 1589-1670 Racine, Jean Baptiste, tragic poet, France, 1639-1699 149 174 319 352 374 395 429 523 719 771 810 905 Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann Ward, novelist England, 1764-1823

704 754 

Raleigh, Sir Walter, officer, historian, poet, colonizer and courtier England, 1552-1618

108 143 174 200 268 354 367 

476 580 581 646 710 731 738 739 798 Ramsay, Allan, poet, 73 261 Scotland, 1685-1758 Ramsay, Dean 803 Scotland, 1793-1810 Randall, James Ryder, poet, patriot, 174 United States, 1839-1908 Randolph, Thomas, poet and 786 876 dramatist England, 1605-1634 Ransford, Edwin, singer, song writer, 39 and composer of music, England, 1805-1876 Rapin, Rene Sieur de, Jesuit and 494 writer of prose and Latin poetry France, 1621-1687 Rastall, John, printer, 386 England, -1536 Ravenscroft, Thomas, English mu- 204 sician England, 1582(?)-1635(?) Ravignan, Pere Gustavb F. X., 486 Jesuit writer France, 1795-1858 Ray, James, historian, 854 England, living 1746 Ray, John, naturalist, 905 England, 1628-1679 Read, Thomas Buchanan, poet and painter United States, 1822-1872

556 681 808 

Reade, Charles, novelist, play- 347 wright England, 1814-1884 Realf, Richard, American abolition- 61 312 ist, poet England, 1834-1878 Recipe to make a modern Fop (1770) 287 Redding, Cyrus, author, 768 England, 1785-1870 Regimen Sanitatts Salernitanam, poem of 11th Cent., written by doctors of the medical school of Salerno. Addressed to the King of England, probably Robert of Normandy. 356 503 793 Regnard Jean Francois, writer of comedy France, 1655-1709


Regnier, Mathurin, satiric poet, 291 France, 1573-1613 Regnter, Rene Francois Abbe, 789 France, 1794- entalist, rationalist, France, 1823-1892 Republican Rallying Cry (1856). 295 Response of an ancient General 586 Resseguieh, Comte de, author, 174 France, 1789-1862 Return fron Parnassus or The 524 702 Scourge of Simony. Supposed by Sir John Hawkins to have been written by some of the wits and scholars of Cambridge. Reynard the Fox 651 Reyniere, de la 294 Reynolds, Frederick, dramatist, 893 England, 1764-1841 Reynolds, John Hamilton, 249 798 poet England, 1795-1852 Reynolds (Reginald, Raynold, 648 Reynel), Walter, archbishop of Canterbury -1327 Rhoades, James, poet, translator, 429 author England, 1841-L. Rhodes, Cecil John, South African 8 statesman England, 1853-1902 Rhodes, Hugh, author, 103 England, 16th Cent. Rhodes, William B., dramatist and translator England, 1772-1826

203 371 713 

Rhodiginus, Ludovicus Cosltus, 607 scholar Italy, 1450(?)-1525 Rice, Sir Stephen, judge . Ireland, 1637-1715 613 Rich, Riche, or Ryche, Captain 901 Barnaby, author and poet, England, 1580-1617 Richard I., Ccewr de Lion, King of 224 England 1157-1199 Richard, monk of St. Victor, Paris, 594 Scottish-French mystic, theologian -1173 Richard the Redeles (1399). See 194 Skeat's " Piers Plosoman," in Early English Texts, Clarendon Press, Oxford. Richard de Bury, see Aungerville. Richards, Amelia B. 225 Richardson. Robert, poet, 233 Australia, -1901 Richardson, Samuel, novelist, prin- 893 ter England, 1689-1761 Richard Rolle de Hampole, see Hampole. Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Due de, cardinal and statesman France, 1585-1642

592 685 

Richmond, Charles Alex., clergyman, writer, University Chancellor United States, 1882-L.

627 854