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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/999

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Richtjeb, Jean Paul Friedrich, novelist and writer. . .Germany, 1763-1825 2 15 28 44 103 151 174 226 245 276 296 328 354 429 436 450 451 476 521 538 681 695 714 735 743 824 831 893 Ricord, Frederick Wm., American poet, translator, and scholar, West Indies, 1819-1897

492 678 706 834 924 

Riddell, Henry Scott (Scot), poet, 803 Scotoand, 1798-1870 Rider, William, miscellaneous writer, 508 England, 1723-1785 Riley, Henry Thomas, translator 616 773 and scholar 1819-1873 Riley, James Whitcomb, poet and dialect writer, United States, 1853-1916 52 64 72 371 381 476 580 591 649 751 755 766 873 Rittenhouse, Jessie B., poet, 451 author ..... United States, -L. RrVEHOL de, critic, translator, writer, 561 885 France, 1757-1801 Roberts, C. G. D., editor, author, poet Canada, 1860-L.

798 893 

Robinson, Edwin Arlington, poet, . United States, 1869-L. Ill 880 Roche, Sir Boyle, politician, perpe- 619 trator of "bulls". . .Ireland, 1743-1807 Roche, James Jeffrey, poet, • 208 862 Ireland, 1847-1908 Rochefoucauld, see La Rochefoucauld. Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, a profligate courtier, wit, writer of songs, satires, etc., England, 1647-1680 561 608 685 893 912 Rook of Regard, J. P. Collier's 709 Reprint (1576) Rodman, J. P. 854 Roe, Sir Thomas, diplomat, author, 823 England, 1568(?)-1644 Rogers, John, churchman and martyr, 495 England, 1505-1555 Rogers, Robert Cameron, Ameri- 476 can poet, . . . .United States, 1862-1912 Rogers, Samuel, poet. .. England, 1763-1855 10 16 26 50 68 81 103 111 141 175 215 270 311 371 380 433 505 508 527 538 661 664 678 707 731 770 782 798 824 Roland, Madame Manon Jeanne 439 (Phlipon) de la Platiere, highly gifted woman, sympathizer with the Republicans and Girondists France, 1754-1793 Rollin, Charles, historian, 813 France, 1661-1741 Romaine, Harry, poet, 19th Cent. 627 RoMAUNTOFTHERosE,".FVeracft.nwK2," 386 893 allegorical romance in verse, begun 13th Cent, by Guillaume de Lorris, completed 14th Cent, by Jean de Meung. Rooney, John Jerome, judge, verse 728 writer United States, 1866-L. Roosevelt, Theodore, 26th President of U. S., politician, soldier, writer United States, 1858-1918

87 140 334 451 543 613 728 

753 756 854 905 925 Root, George Fred., song writer, 275 United States, 1820-1895 Ros, Sir Richard, poet 732 England, 1429- tor England, 1790-1871 Roscoe, William, historian and poet, 527 England, 1753-1831 Rose, A. McGregor (A. M. R. 684 Gordon) journalist, Canada living 1897- 5th earl, author, statesman, prime minister. . . .England, 1847-L. Rosenberg, Charles George 319 Ross, Alexander, poet. . Scotland, 1699-1784

Ross, Wm. Stewart, educationist, 531 poet, secularist. . .Scotland, 1844-1906 Rossetti, Christina G., poet, England, 1830-1894 16 163 210 239 328 427 451 508 558 567 579 594 597 614 631 681 709 747 764 772 776 810 834 878 Rc3Setti, Dante Gabriel, painter and poet England, 1828-1882

46 52 175 359 372 377 527 

530 840 893 Rostand, Edmond, dramatist, poet, France, 1868-1918

418 543 697 739 

Rotrou, Leon de, tragic poet, 556 France, 1609-1650 Rougemont, M. N. B., Baron de, 844 dramatist France, 1781-1840 Rouget de Lisle, Claude Joseph, 294 849 soldier and song writer, author of Marseillaise France, 1760-1836 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, philosopher and writer. . . . Switzerland, 1712-1778 3 111 142 175 214 226 359 426 515 584 635 665 761 867 894 915 Routh, Martin Joseph, scholar, 654 theologian, educator, historian, England, 1755-1854 Roux, Le, see Le Roux de Lincy. Rowan, Major Andrew Summers, 7 carried a message to Garcia in Cuba from President McKinley April 23, 1898, returned to Key West, May 11, 1898, United States, 1857-L. Rowe, Nicholas, dramatist and poet, England, 1673-1718 61 74 175 223 341 372 383 510 529 632 751 771 785 831 854 894 901 Rowley, William, dramatist 915 England c. 1585-c. 1642 Roxburghe Ballads. A collection of 299 451 old English ballads commenced by Harley, Earl of Oxford, and augmented by West and Pearson and especially by the Duke of Roxburghe. It is now in the British Museum. Roy, Pierre Charles, satirist, dra- 159 matic poet France, 1683-1764 Roydon, Matthew, poet, 103 251 England, about 1580-1622 ROYER-COLLARD, PlERRE PAUL, phi- 51 664 losopher and statesman, France, 1763-1845 Ruckert, Friedrich, poet, 147 Germany, 1788-1866 Rufus, Quintus Curtius, see Quintus Curtius Rufus. Rumbold, Col. Richard, Republican 854 implicated in Rye-House Plot, England, d. about 1685 Ruskin, John, writer and art critic, England, 1819-1900 41 44 61 128 158 193 226 240 439 476 532 568 577 579 590 632 664 672 700 714 770 892 Russell, George W. ("A. E