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Page:Hudibras - Volume 2 (Butler, Nash, Bohn; 1859).djvu/314

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[ n. refers to the number of the notes at the foot of the page.]

Abracadabra, a charm, 223, n, 2.

Aches, 192, n. 3; 293 and n. 1; 344.

Achievements, military, 55, n. 1.

Achitophel, 345 and n. 2.

Action on the case, 134 and n. 2.

Adam, picture of, 11, n. 3; his first green breeches, 25 and n. 2; Eve carved from his side, 296 and n. 1.

Addison, his censure of Butler, preface, 23.

Administerings, 312 and n. 5.

AEneas, his descent into hell, 23, n. 1.

AEolus, an attendant on fame, 138, n. 5.

Affidavit-hand, 285 and n. 2.

Affidavit-makers, 337 and n. 4.

Agamemnon, dagger of, 19, n. 3.

Aganda, story of, 53, n. 2.

Agrippa, Henry Cornelius, renowned for solid lying, 25; particulars respecting, 25 and n. 5: his dog suspected to be a spirit, 238 and n. 1, 2.

Ajax, slays a flock of sheep, 54, n. 2; the shield of, 59, n. 2.

Albert, archduke of Austria, 91, n. 1.

Albertus Magnus, Bishop of Ratisbon, 152 and n. 3.

Alborach, the ass of Mahomet, 14, n. 1.

Alchymists, or hermetic philosophers, 2S0, n. 1, 3.

Alcoran, 371 and n. 2.

Alimony, 309 and n. 5; or death, 432 and n. 1.

Allay and Alloy, 346 and n. 7.

Alligators, hung up, 370 and n. 3.

Almanacks, licenser of, 218, n. 5.

Amazons, the, 298 and n. 1.

America, supposed to have been discovered by the Britons, 44, n. 2.

Ammianus Marcellinus, fact related by, 53, n. 1.

Anabaptists, or Dippers, 24, n. 2; insist on immersion in baptism, 90, n. 3; 103 and n. 2; enemies to learning, 131, n. 2.

Anagram, 296 and n. 2.

Anaxagoras, the Ionic philosopher, 242 and n. 3; 243, n. 1, 2; opinion of, 248, n. 2.

Animalia, 129 and n. 3.

Animals, slaughtered by priests, 126 and n. 1.

Anothergates adventure, 101 and n. 1.

Anthroposophus, nickname of Dr Vaughan, 26, n. 1.

Antinomian principle, 182, n. 4.

Ants' eggs, 97 and n. 2.

Antwerp Cathedral, 216 and n. 5.

Apollo, oracle of, 156 and n. 3; petitions to, 49 and n. 3.

Appropinque, 105 and n. 4.

Aprons, blue, 362 and n. 1.

Aqua-vitæ, 406 and n. 2.

Aquinas, Thomas, 10, n. 4.

Arctophylax, 51 and n. 1.

Argyle, Earl of, sneer at, 206 and n. 1.

Arms, the law of. 111, n. 2; 112, 113, 115 and n. 1.