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Page:Hudibras - Volume 2 (Butler, Nash, Bohn; 1859).djvu/315

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Arsie-Versie, 112 and n. 2.

Aruspicy «iik1 Augury, 211 and n. 6.

Assembly of Divines, 35, n. 7; The great gorbellied idol, 125, n. 2.

Astrologers, impostures of, 257 and n. 1.

Astyagps, King of Media, his dream, 241 and n. 1.

Atoms, theories respecting, 44, n. 1; on the brains of animals, 259 and n. 1.

Attorney, confession of one, 312.

Augurs, determinations of the, 242, n. 1.

Augustus, tale respecting, 241 and n.3.

Averrhoes, 240; some account of, 210, n. 3.

Averruncate, meaning to eradicate, 34 and n. 1.

Ay, me! what perils do environ, &c., 86,

Babel, labourers of, 8.

Backgammon, 369 and n. 7.

Bacon, Roger, his brazen head, 155, n.3; 277, n. 2; some account of, 220, n. 2.

Bacrack, Hoccamore, and Mum, 406 and n. 3.

Baker, malignant, 387 and n. 3.

Baptism, 340 and n. 2.

Barber, John, monument erected by, to the memory of Butler, preface, 14.

Barclay, Dr, on shaving the beard, 141, n. 2.

Bardashing, 278 and n. 3.

Barebones, the leather-seller, 232 and n. 2.

Barnacles, turn soland geese, 351 and n. 2.

Barratry, 419 and n. 5.

Bassa, the illustrious, 168, n. 3.

Bassas, 406 and n. 5.

Bastile, 83.

Battery, action of, 419 and n. 1.

Bear, cubs of the, 130 and n. 1; shortness of its tail, 250 and n. 1.

Bear-baiting, 31 and n. 1; custom of, 117, n. 1.

Beards, custom of wearing, 14, n. 3; 15, n. 2,3; vow respecting, 15, n. 5; respect paid to, 141 and n. 1, 2; 142, n. 3; importance of, 430.

Beast, a game at cards, 304 and n. 3; number of the, 361 and n. 4.

Beaumont and Fletcher, quoted, 95, n. 1.

Becanns, Goropius, Teutonic spoken in Paradise, 11, n. 2.

Bed of Honour, 119 and n. 3.

Bees, generation of, 326 and n. 2.

Behmen, Jacob, 26, n. 1; 238 and n. 4.

Bell and the Dragon's chaplains, 125, n. 2.

Berenice's periwig, 247 and n. 1.

Biancafiore, love of Florio for, 168, n. 5.

Bibles, corrupted texts of, 326, 371 and n. 1.

Bilks, 227; meaning of the word, 227, n. 3.

Bill-running, custom of, 47, n. 4.

Birds, the speech of, 26 and n. 4; the mute of, 228 and n. 5; caught in nets, 237 and n. 1.

Birtha, supplants the Princess Rhodalind, 58, n.3.

Bishops, outcry against, compared to a dog with a black and white face, 63 and n. 5.

Blood, transfusion of the, 264 and n. 1.

Blows that bruise, 17 and n. 1.

Board, a two-inch one, 442 and n. 1.

Board her, 274 and n. 3.

Boccalini's Advertisement from Parnassus, used by Butler, 49, n. 3.

Bodin, John, an eminent geographer, 249 and n. 3.

Bolter, 128; a coarse sieve, 128, n. 1.

Bombastus, kept a devil's bird, 237 and n. 3.

Bond, Mr, strange sermon of, 33, n. 2.

Bongey, a Franciscan, 421 and n.3.