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[ 13 ]

V. This corruption of nature during this life doth remain in thoſe that are regenerated[1]: and although it be through Chriſt pardoned and mortified, yet both it ſelf and all the motions thereof, are truly and properly ſin[2].

VI. Every ſin, both Originall and Actuall, being a tranſgreſſion of the righteous Law of God, and contrary thereunto[3], doth in its own nature, bring guilt upon the ſinner[4], whereby he is bound over to the wrath of God[5], and curſe of the Law[6], and ſo made ſubject to death[7] with all miſeries ſpirituall[8], temporall[9], and eternall[10].

Chap. VII.

Of Gods Covenant with Man.

THe diſtance between God and the Creature is ſo great, that although reaſonable Creatures do owe obedience unto him as their Creator, yet they could never have any fruition of him as their Bleſſedneſs and Reward, but by ſome voluntary condeſcenſion on Gods part, which he hath been pleaſed to expreſs by way of covenant[11].

II. The firſt Covenant made with Man, was a Covenant of Works[12], wherein Life was promiſed to Adam; and in him to his poſterity[13], upon condition of perfect and perſonall obedience[14].

III. Man by his Fall having made himſelf uncapable of Life by that Covenant, the Lord was pleaſed