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to make a Second[1], commonly called the Covenant of Grace: Wherein he freely offereth unto ſinners Life and Salvation by Jeſus Chriſt, requiring of them Faith in Him that they may be ſaved[2], and promiſing to give unto all thoſe that are ordained unto Life, his holy Spirit, to make them willing, and able to beleeve[3].
IV. This Covenant of Grace is frequently ſet forth in the Scripture by the name of a Teſtament, in reference the death of Jeſus Chriſt the Teſtator, and to the evelaſting Inheritance, with all things belonging to it, therin bequeathed[4].
V. This Covenant was differently adminiſtred in the time of the Law, and in the time of the Goſpel[5]: Under the Law, it was adminiſtred by Promiſes, Prophecies, Sacrifices, Circumciſion, the Paſchal Lamb, and other Types and Ordinaces delivered to the people of the Jews, all fore-ſignifying Christ to come[6], which were for that time, ſufficient and efficacious through the operation of the Spirit, to inſtruct and build up the Elect in Faith in the Promiſed Meſſiah[7], by whom they had remiſſion of ſins and eternal Salvation: and is called, the Old Teſtament[8],
VI. Under the Goſpel, when Chriſt the ſubſtance[9], was exhibited, the Ordinances in which this Covenant is diſpenſed, are the Preaching of the Word, and the Adminiſtration of the Sacraments, of Baptiſm, and the Lords Supper[10]. Which, though fewer in number, and adminiſtred with more ſimplicity, and leſſe outward
- ↑ Gal, 3, 21
Rom, 8, 3
Rom. 3, 20, 21
Gen. 3, 15
Iſa. 42. 6 - ↑ Mark 16, 15 16
Iohn 3, 16
Rom, 10, 6, 9
Gal. 3, 11 - ↑ Ezek. 36, 26 27
Iohn. 6. 44. 45 - ↑ Heb. 5. 15, 16 17
Heb. 7, 22
Luke 22, 20 1 Cor. 11, 25 - ↑ 2 Cor. 3, 6, 7 8, 9
- ↑ Heb. 8, 9 10 chapters
Rom, 4, 11
Col, 2, 11, 12
1 Cor, 5, 7 - ↑ 1 Cor, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4
Heb, 11, 13
Iohn 8, 56 - ↑ Gal, 3, 7, 8, 9, 14
- ↑ Gal, 2, 17
- ↑ Mat, 28, 19, 20
1 Cor, 11, 23, 24, 25