ry God, and very Man, yet one Chriſt, the only Mediator between God and Man[1].
III. The Lord Jeſus, in his humane nature thus united to the divine, was ſanctified and anointed with the holy Spirit, above meaſure[2], having in him all the treaſeares of wiſdom and knowledge[3]: in whom, it pleaſed the Father, that all fulneſſe ſhould dwell[4]: to the end, that being holy, harmleſſe unfideled, and full of grace and truth[5], he might be thorowly furniſhed to execute the Office of a Mediator, and ſurety[6], Which Office he took not unto himſelf, but was thereunto called by his Father[7], who put all power & judgement into his hand, and gave him commandement to execute the ſame[8].
IV. This office, the Lord Ieſus did moſt willingly undertake[9]: which that he might diſcharge, hee was made under the Law[10], aud did perfectly fulfill it[11], endured moſt grievous torments immediatly in his Soul[12], and moſt painfull ſufferings in his body[13]: was crucified, and died[14]: was buried, and remained under the power of death; yet ſaw no corruption[15]. On the third day he aroſe from the dead[16], with the ſame body in which he ſuffered[17], with which alſo he aſcended into Heaven, and there ſitteth at the right hand of his Father[18], making interceſſion[19], and ſhall return to Iudge, men, and Angels, at the end of the world[20].
V. The Lord Ieſus, by his perfect obedience, and ſacrifice of himſelf, which he, through the eternall ſpirit once offered up unto God, hath fully ſatisfied the
- ↑ Rom. 1. 3, 4.
1 Tim. 2. 5. - ↑ Pſal. 45. 7.
Iohn. 3. 34. - ↑ Col. 2. 3
- ↑ Col. 1. 19.
- ↑ Heb. 7. 16
Iohn. 1. 14 - ↑ Act. 10. 38
Heb. 12. 24
Heb. 7. 22 - ↑ Heb. 5. 4, 5
- ↑ Ioh. 5. 22. 27
Mat. 28. 8
Acts 22 36 - ↑ Pſal.. 40. 7, 8 with Heb. 10. 5. to 11
Iohn 10. 18
Phil. 2. 8 - ↑ Gal. 4. 4
- ↑ Mat. 3. 15
Mat. 5. 17 - ↑ Mat. 26. 37. 38
Luke 22. 44
Mat. 27. 46 - ↑ Mat. 26, 27 chapters
- ↑ Phil. 2. 8.
- ↑ Acts 2. 23, 24, 27
Acts 13. 37
Rom. 6. 9. - ↑ 1 Cor. 15. 3, 4
- ↑ Ioh. 20. 25, 27
- ↑ Mark 16. 19
- ↑ Rom. 8. 34
Heb. 9. 24
Heb. 7. 25 - ↑ Rom. 14. 9, 10
Acts 1. 11.
Acts 10. 42
Mat. 13. 40, 41, 42
Iude v. 6
2 Pet. 2. 4