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Juſtice of his Father[1], and purchaſed, not only reconciliation, but an everlaſting inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven, for all thoſe whom the Father hath given unto him[2].

VI. Although the work of Redemption was not actually wrought by Chriſt till after his Incarnation, yet the vertue, efficacy, and benefits thereof were communicated unto the Elect in all ages ſucceſſively from the beginning of the world, in, and by thoſe promiſes, types, and ſacrifices, wherein he was revealed, and ſignified to bee the ſeed of the Woman which ſhould bruiſe the ſerpents head; and the Lamb ſlain from the beginning of the world: being yeſterday, and to day the ſame and for ever[3].

VII. Chriſt, in the work of Mediation, acteth according to both Natures, by each Nature doing that which is proper to it ſelf[4]: yet, by reaſon of the unity of the Perſon which is proper to one Nature, is sometimes in Scripture attributed to the Perſon denominated by the Other Nature[5].

VIII. To all thoſe for whom Chriſt hath purchaſed Redemption, he doth certainly, and effectually apply, and communicate the ſame[6], making interceſſion for them[7] and revealing unto them, in, and by the Word, the myſteries of ſalvation[8], effectually perſwading them by his Spirit to beleeve, and obey and governing their hearts by his Word and Spirit[9], overcoming all their enemies by his Almighty Power and Wiſdome, in ſuch manner, and wayes, as are moſt conſonant to his wonderfull and unſearchable diſpenſation[10].