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That day a batch o’ ’prentice Printers,
Wi’ drouth and wark turn’d something faintish,
Gae’d out to snuff the caller air,
And gie an hour’s discharge to care;
Forgather’d wi’ a batch o’ Weavers,
Whare baith began some cursed havers;
But what did pass on ony side,
Beyont my power is to describe;
But soon it gae’d from words to blows,
And some they gat a bloody nose.
But soon they stifled up their flame,
And little said till they cane hame,
Then ilk ane ran his friends to tell
How a’ things happen’d and befel,
And how they were sae sair affronted,
And got their heads sae sadly scrunted,
And swore they would na stand sic wark,
But wad gae yoke it in the dark.
Then ilk ane gat himself prepar’d,
Wi’ pokers, tangs, or shank of spade,
And some did tak’ their good kail dibble,
And some their parritch stick or ladle,
And some had stabs pu’d frae the dyke,
And some had bottles by their side.
Being thus prepar’d, without dismay,
They set their battle in array,
Then in a blink, each true and loyal,
On every side was battle royal,
That day a batch o’ ’prentice Printers,
Wi’ drouth and wark turn’d something faintish,
Gae’d out to snuff the caller air,
And gie an hour’s discharge to care;
Forgather’d wi’ a batch o’ Weavers,
Whare baith began some cursed havers;
But what did pass on ony side,
Beyont my power is to describe;
But soon it gae’d from words to blows,
And some they gat a bloody nose.
But soon they stifled up their flame,
And little said till they cane hame,
Then ilk ane ran his friends to tell
How a’ things happen’d and befel,
And how they were sae sair affronted,
And got their heads sae sadly scrunted,
And swore they would na stand sic wark,
But wad gae yoke it in the dark.
Then ilk ane gat himself prepar’d,
Wi’ pokers, tangs, or shank of spade,
And some did tak’ their good kail dibble,
And some their parritch stick or ladle,
And some had stabs pu’d frae the dyke,
And some had bottles by their side.
Being thus prepar’d, without dismay,
They set their battle in array,
Then in a blink, each true and loyal,
On every side was battle royal,