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In secret truly did adore her,
Was ae night in the barn before her;
Wi' nae design to interrup' her,
But shake some strae the beast to supper
When in comes Margaret, stark and stoutly
And to her prayers began devoutly,
And after seeking spiritual things,
The married state about she brings.
Jock in a corner lay fu' snug,
Lending an eager tentie lug:
He, being a lad o' ready wit,
Conceiv'd a wise and lucky hit,
To work on Maggie's superstition,
And thus accomplish his ambition.
A sheet lay huddled in the nook,
Which Jock on this occasion took,
To cleed himsel' in snawy white,
And personate an angel bright.
The silver moon shone in her vigour,
When, by the bole, Meg saw the figure.
In accents solemn, deep and hollow,
Her close attention he made follow:—
'Thy prayers are heard, and shall be granted,
Nor shall a husband lang be wanted:
It therefore is the will o' God,
That you should marry Johnnie Tod;
Though he be but your servant man,
And neither has a pat nor pan;
He's young, religious, chaste, and thrifty,
And acts just like a man o' fifty.
By day wi' care he'll sort your farm,
By night he'll daut and keep you warm.'
The widow maist was in a trance, Sir,
At hearing sic a gracious answer.
Jock reach'd the kitchen, unperceiv'd,
And quietly at his stocking weav'd;