Page:Humorous poems.pdf/17

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Whan in the widow comes fu' prim,
And lovingly she looks at him.
Johnnie, my man, you'll see but dimly,
Working ahint the cradle chimly;
The backside ribs are cauld and dark,
And you hae hain a sair day's wark.
Come roun', and fill the twa-arm chair;
And here's the kebbuck,—tak your sair:
Frae this time forth, believe me, John,
Thous never get a cheeseless scone.
The lasses at their wheels were linkin',
And scarce could keep frae nods and winkin'
They thought it was a matter oddlike,
To hear their mistress hint sae broadlike;
For baith o' Jock had some daft notion,
Baith lang had been at his devotion;
Lang to his wants they had attended,
And aft his sarks and breeks had mended;
And mony a dunt o' cheese and bread,
And mony a cake o' butter spread,
And mony a cog o' cards and cream,
They steal'd to fill his craving wame;
But now baith fear'd 'twas labour lost,
And that their love wad soon be cross'd.
John soon, wi' manners mild and honest,
Improv'd his mistress' hints the broadest.
Within ae fleeting month he wed his charmer,
And liv'd and died a much respeckit farmer.


Gie him strong drink, until he wink,
That's sinking in despair;