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Conjectures concerning

Book I.
dation for the Dreams of a fanciful Head and a diſtemper’d Brain. What ſhould we anſwer to theſe Men, but that their Ignorance is the Cauſe of their Diſlike, and that if they had ſtudied theſe things more, and viewed the Workds of Nature nicely, they would have fewer Scruples? But few People having had an opportunity of proſecuting theſe Studies, either for want of Parts, Learning, or Leiſure, we cannot blame their Ignorance; and if they reſolve to find fault with us for ſpending time in ſuch Matters becauſe they do not underſtand the Uſe of them, we muſt appeal to properer Judges.

Theſe Conjectures do not contradict the holy Scriptures. The other ſort, when they hear us talk of new Lands, and Animals, and Creatures endued with as much Reaſon as themſelves, will be ready to cry out, that we ſet up our Conjectures againſt the Word of God, and broach Opinions directly oppoſite to Holy Writ. For we do not there read any thing of the Production of ſuch Creatures, no not ſo much as that they exiſt; nay rather we
