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the Planetary Worlds.
Book I.
read the quite contrary. For, That only mentions this Earth with its Animals and Plants, and Man the Lord of them: To ſuch Perſons I anſwer, what has been often urged by others before me: That it’s evident, God had no deſign to make a particular Enumeration in the Holy Scriptures, of all the Works of his Creation. When therefore it is plain that under the general Name of the Stars or Earth at the Creation, are comprehended all the Heavenly Bodies, even the Attendants upon Jupiter and Saturn, why muſt all that Multitude of Beings which the Almighty Creator has been pleaſed to place upon them, be excluded the Privilege, and not ſuffered to have a Share in the Expreſſion? And theſe Men themſelves can’t but know in what Senſe it is that all things are ſaid to be made for the Uſe of Man, not certainly for use to look at through a Teleſcope, for that’s very abſurd. Since then the greateſt part of God’s Creation, that innumerable multitude of Stars, is place out of the
