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Conjectures concerning

Book I.
reach any of Man’s Eye; and many of them it’s likely, of the beſt Glaſſes, ſo that they don’t ſeem to belong to us; is it ſuch an unreaſonable Opinion to think, that there are ſome reaſonable Creatures who ſee and admire thoſe glorious Bodies at a nearer diſtance?

This Enquiry not over curious.But perhaps, they’ll ſay, it does not become us to be ſo curious and inquiſitive in theſe Things which the Supreme Creator ſeems to have kept for his own Knowledge: For ſince he has not been pleaſed to make any father Diſcovery or Revelation of them, it ſeems little better than preſumption to make any inquiry into that which he has though fit to hide. But theſe Gentlemen muſt be told, that they take too much upon themſelves when they pretend to appoint how far and no father Men ſhall go in their Searches, and to ſet bounds to other Mens Induſtry; as if they knew the Marks that God has placed to Knowledge: or as if Men were able to paſs thoſe Marks. If our Forefathers had been at this rate ſcrupulous, we might
