Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/14

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Buller, W. L.continued.

Albatros, Wandering (Diomedea exulans), Note on the, 22, 340.
Albatros, Wandering; with an Exhibition of Specimens, and the Determination of a New Species (Diomedea regia), 23, 230.
Apteryx maxima, a Huge Kiwi from Stewart Island, 23, 602; 24, 91.
Apteryx oweni: Occurrence at High Altitudes in the North Island, 8, 193.
Bats of N.Z., 25, 50.
Bird-life, Some Curiosities of, 27, 134.
Birds in the Colonial Museum: Additions to the Collection, 7, 224.
"Birds of N.Z.," Additions to List of Species and Rare Occurrences since Publication of, 11, 361.
"Birds of N.Z.": Reply to F. Hutton. 6, 126.
Birds of N.Z., Certain Disputed Species of, 7, 211.
Birds of N.Z., Exhibition of New and Interesting Forms of, with Remarks thereon, 23, 36.
Birds of N.Z., Notes on, 8, 196; 24, 64, 75; 25, 53, 63.
Birds of N.Z.: Remarks on Hutton's Notes on certain Species, 6, 123.
Birds of N.Z., Some Rare Species of, 16, 308.
Birds observed during a Voyage from N.Z. to England, 26, 182.
Bittern, Little (Ardetta maculata), of N.Z., 6, 119.
Cuckoo, Long-tailed, Remarks on the, 11, 353.
Darwinism, Illustrations of; or, The Avifauna of N.Z. considered in relation to the Fundamental Law of Descent with Modification, 27, 75.
Deinacrida (Weta) in N.Z., 3, 34.
Deinacrida, or Forest-cricket, A New Species of, from Nelson: D. broughi, 28, 323.
Duck, Flightless, of Auckland Islands (Nesonetta aucklandica), 27, 128.
Fern-bird (Sphenæacus): New Species from Snares Islands—S. caudatus, 27, 127.
Gerygone flaviventris, Note on, 8, 190.
Hieracidea, Existence in N.Z. of Two Species of: H. novæ-zealandiæ and H. ferox, 7, 213.
Himantopus in N.Z., 7, 220.
Huia, Egg of the, 10, 212.
Huia, Further Descriptive Notes of the, 10, 211.
Huia, Nesting Habits of the, 8, 192.
Huia, Structure and Habits of, 3, 24.
Insect Architecture: Notes on the Habits of the Black Spider-wasp of N.Z., 9, 343.
Insectivorous Plant in N.Z., New, 25, 302.
Katipo, 3, 29.
Korimako (Anthornis melanura): its Disappearance from the North Island, 10, 209.
Larinæ, Note on H. Saunders's Review of the, 11, 359.
Lestris: Remarks on a Species inhabiting N.Z. Seas, 11, 355.
Lizard, New: Naultinus pulcherrimus, 9, 326.
Lizards inhabiting N.Z., List of, with Descriptions, 3, 4, 56.
Lizards of the Genus Naultinus, New Species of, 12, 314; 13, 419.
Maori Flute, Curious, in the Collection of the late Dr. Shortland, 26, 568.
Maori Implement, Remarkable, in Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, 26, 570.
Maori Remains, Some Peculiar; with Remarks on Tapu, 27, 148.
Megapode in Auckland Museum, Notice of a Species of, 3, 14.
Moth: Notice of a New Species in N.Z.—Porina mairi, 5, 279.
Mus maorium, Note on: with Exhibition of Specimen, 25, 49.
Nankeen Kestrel of Australia (Cerchneis cenchroides), Occurrence in N.Z. of, 28, 359.
Natural-history Notes: Lizards and Birds, 5, 404.
Nestor meridionalis, Tendency to Deformity in the Bill of, 9, 340.
Notornis, 14, 238.
Ocydromus earli and the Domestic Fowl, Intercrossing of, 9, 341.
Ocydromus, The Species forming the Genus, 10, 213.
Œstrelata neglecta, 27, 132.
Ornithological Portion of "Taylor's N.Z. and its Inhabitants," Critical Notes on, 3, 11.
Ornithology of N.Z., 1 (independently paginated) [2nd ed., 213]; 2, 385; 3, 37; 7, 197; 8, 181; 9, 327; 10, 191, 201; 11, 366; 28, 326; 29, 179; 31, 1.
Ornithology of N.Z.: Notes on O. Finsch's Review of W. Buller's Essay, 1, 105 [2nd ed., 49].
Ornithology of N.Z.: Remarks on O. Finsch's Paper, 8, 194.
Ornithology of N.Z.: Reply to O. Finsch, 6, 112.
Ornithology of N.Z.; with Exhibition of Rare Specimens, 27, 104.
Papaitonga, Story of; or, A Page of Maori History, 26, 572.
Parrakeet, New Species in N.Z.: Platycercus rowleyi, 7, 219.
Petrel, New Species of: Procellaria affinis, 7, 215.
Phalacrocorax colensoi of Auckland Islands, and P. onslowi of Chatham Islands, 27, 129.
Plotus novæ-hollandiæ: Occurrence in N.Z., 7, 217.
Platycercus unicolor in British Museum, 6, 121.
Polecat: Proposed introduction into N.Z., 9, 634.
Presidential Address to Wellington Philosophical Society—1875, 8, 403; 1884, 17, 443.
Prion banksii, Specific Value of, 11, 351.
Rail, Flightless, of the Chatham Islands (Cabalus modestus), 25, 52.
Rat, N.Z., 3, 1.
Royal Spoonbill (Platalea regia), Occurrence in N.Z. of the, 9, 337.
Shag, Species of, inhabiting Queen Charlotte Sound, 9, 338.