Prideaux, E. B. R., and Page, S.
Phormium tenax, Preparation of, 1, 66 [2nd ed., 473].
Presidential Address to Auckland Institute—1870, 3, App. 39; 1879, 12, 441.
Railway, The, and its Place in Social Economy, 28, 59.
Submarine Telegraph between Australia and N.Z., Best Line for a, 8, 166.
Bittern, Supposed New Species of, from the Lake District: Ardeola novæ-zelandiæ, 3, Proc. 99.
Duck, Supposed New Species of, 4, 213.
Animal Mind and the Human Mind, A Comparison between, 29, 71.
Animal Mind as a Factor in Organic Evolution, 32, 243.
Antarctic Exploration, 11, 31.
Instincts of Animals, True, 28, 27.
Mollusca, Marine: Influence of Climate over Geographical Distribution, 9, 665.
Technical Education for Artisans, A System of, 17, 398.
Wanganui Tertiaries, 7, 453.
Charagia virescens, 35, 249.
Epalxiphora axenana, Meyr., a Species of Lepidoptera scarce in N.Z., 37, 343.
Fly and a Spider: Pompilidæ, Salius monochus, and Porrhothele antipodiana, 35, 256.
Lepidoptera of N.Z., Embryology of, 33, 159; 34, 226.
Lysiphragma howesii, sp. nov., 33, 154.
Vanessa gonerilla, Hymenopterous Parasite of Ovum of, 33, 153.
Albatros, Wandering (Diomedea exulans), Habits and Home of the, 21, 126.
Birds of N.Z., Habits of, 18, 105.
Birds of N.Z., Habits of, their Usefulness or Destructiveness to the Country, 18, 96.
Explorations North of Chalky Sound, 20, 441.
Islands to the South of N.Z., 21, 378.
Little Barrier Island, the Birds which Inhabit it and the Locality as a Protection to them, 19, 181.
Ornithology, Notes on, 17, 187; 18, 84–96; 19, 184, 188.
Polecat, Ferret, Mongoose, Stoat, and Weasel, Habits of, 18, 110.
Rats, Notes on, 20, 125.
Sphenodon punctatum (Fringe-back Lizard), 18, 108.
Zoological Researches on the Chicken Islands, N.Z., 14, 274.
Man's Place in Creation, 2, 267.
Mind-stuff, The Doctrine of: Reply to Mr. Frankland's Paper, 12, 215.
Modern Aspect of Natural Theology, 2, 281.
Consumption, State Prevention of, 30, 66.
Malaria and Mosquitos, 35, 225.
Milk as a Vehicle of Disease, 23, 570.
Presidential Address to Auckland Institute, 1897, 30, 562.
Alkaloids. Detection and Estimation of, by means of their Double Sulphocyanides, 38, 51.
Antifebrine, Some New Compounds of a Similar Nature to, 38, 45.
Fatty Acids and their Esters, Association of the, and the Arrangement of Atoms in Space, 37, 577.
Fatty Acids, Distillation of the, for the Manufacture of Candles, 37, 568.
Fatty Acids, Molecular Complexity of the 35, 452.