Page:Indian Cookery and Confectionery.djvu/140

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masalla. Stir thoroughly and take down when the mass is a stiff paste. Make about 25 coorkits of round and long shape, dip into beaten eggs and fry in plenty of ghee.

Shrimps and other fishes may be used as a substitute for meat in which case the bones, should be removed after frying them.


Boil pieces of green jack-fruit or cauliflowers or any other vegetable equal in quantity with the minced meat, and make a paste of it

Mix pastes of ginger, onions, pepper, chillies, garam-masalla, almonds, raisins and salt with the minced meat and fry with ghee. Add a little water to boil the meat. When the water dries up, add the pasted vegetable and eggs. Stir thoroughly. Take down when the mass is a stiff paste. Form oval shaped cakes of it, dip into beaten eggs, roll on powdered biscuits and fry in plenty of ghee.


Make pastes of 1/2 powa of almonds and 1/2 seer of tender minced meat after boiling it. Mix these with 1 powa of fried and powdered khowa kheer, 1/2 seer of besam of grams, ginger-juice 1/2 chhatak, a little powdered cardamom seeds, salt, a pinch of saffron and about 3 powas of water. Beat thoroughly. Put this semi-liquid