closure of the Exhibition, while he was acting as Registrar of the High Court, Allahabad, he enquired several times about the progress in printing of the present work, more especially of the plates, thus showing his interest in this publication.
Over 300 drawings were copied in about five months. Professor Bhim Chandra Chatterji had little time to compare the copies with the originals and was, therefore, unable to vouch for their accuracy. Details of several drawings, especially those made from type specimens, had to be completed. So in December 1911 I went down to Calcutta and compared the copies of the drawings with the originals. Owing to pressure of work at Allahabad, I could not prolong my stay in Calcutta. So several plates were left at Shibpur for details to be filled in. Colonel Gage, I.M.S., obliged me by getting this done. In his letter dated 29th March 1912, in returning the drawings he wrote:—
"I return herewith the drawings you sent for filling in the details of the dissections. They have been gone over by Mr. Ramaswamy and checked in every case. It has not always been possible to get precise dissections from the Herbarium specimens, as in the case where there is one specimen we cannot afford to dissect it. I trust however what has been done will prove to your satisfaction."
He has placed us under deep obligation by permitting us to copy and publish some of the original drawings by Roxburgh preserved in the Herbarium in the Royal Botanical Garden Shibpur, and to reproduce some of the illustrations given in the Annals of it, and also to have drawings made from the type specimens in that Herbarium, of some of the plants not to be found in publications kept in the library of that institution.
Our thanks are due to Mr. R. S. Hole, F.C.H., F.L.S., I.F.S., Forest Botanist of Dehra Dun, for his kind permission to copy and publish some of the original drawings of plants prepared by Mr. J. F. Duthie, B.A., F.L.S., late Director of Botanic Survey, Northern India.
We are thankful to the publishers of Curtis's Botanical Magazine and of Bentley and Trimen's Medicinal Plants for permission to copy some of the illustrations from their publications; as also to the Government of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh for allowing us to copy a few illustrations from the Field