and Garden Crops of the North Western Provinces prepared by Mr. Duthie and Mr., now Sir Bampfylde, Fuller.
The Government of India, the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Agricultural Bureau and the Smithsonian Institution of America, as well as the Board of Agriculture of England, have greatly helped us in the preparation of this work by their supplying us with some of their publications bearing on the subject.
Some of those works on Botany which were not in the library of the late Colonel Kirtikar were very kindly lent to us by Colonel Gage from the Library of the Royal Botanic Garden, Shibpur; by the late Mr. Harinath De, M.A., I.E.S., from the Imperial Library, Calcutta, of which, he was the librarian; and by Mr. Hole from the Library of the Imperial Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun. To all these gentlemen, our best thanks are due.
Colonel Gage also very kindly gave instructions to the members of the staff serving under him to assist us in every way in their power in the preparation of this work. The late Mr. M. S. Ramaswami M.A., and Babu Sashi Bhushan Banerji were of great help to us.
Professor Bhim Chandra Chatterji, was advertised as one of the joint authors of this work. But his portion of the work not being ready, it is regretted it has not been published with this.
My best thanks are due to Babu Chintamani Ghosh, the enterprising proprietor of the well-known Indian Press, who has taken great interest in and trouble for this work. He deputed his talented artist, Mr. Sommer, to Europe to fetch large-sized lithographic stones and art-paper for its printing. Without his help and supervision, it would have been impossible to bring out the work in its present get-up, which has exceeded my expectations.
The enlightened Maharaja Bahadur of Cossimbazar, the Hon'ble Sir Manindra Chandra Nandy, K. C. I. E., with his accustomed munificence, has contributed ten thousand rupees to meet a portion of the expenses incurred in the production of this work. Our heartiest thanks are due to him for this handsome donation.
1st January, 1918.