Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/129

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N. 0. C0NV0LVULACE.E. 879

peduncled, dense, fulvous-hirsute ; outer bracts lin., ovate or elliptic-oblong, not cordate ; inner bracts smaller, narrower, acute. Sepals -J- Jin. ; lanceolate, acute, hirsute, enlarged in fruit. Corolla pink, medium-size, funnel-shaped, ljin., tube narrow, mouth suddenly widened, sparsely hairy without. Sta- mens included. Ovary 2-celled, 4-ovuled, rarely imperfectly 4-celled near the base. Capsule ^in., ovoid, papery, glabrous. Seeds minutely velvety or nearly glabrous. 4-2, rarely 1. Use : — Said to be used medicinally (Watt).

841. I. reniformis, Chois. h.f.b.i,, iv. 206 ; Roxb. 161 (under Conv. reniformis).

Vern. :■ — Undirkani (Bomb.) ; Perretoy kiray(Tam); Toin- vatali (Tel.).

Habitat :— Deccan peninsula, common, extending northwards to Rajputana and Behar.

Closely creeping, much-branched, often rooting from nearly every node, glabrous, or sparingly pubescent. Leaves small, reniform or ovate-cordate, toothed, i-ljin., often smaller, broader than long, occasionally 3-lobed ; petiole i-lin. Peduncles or very short, few-fid ; 1-3 flowered ; bracts inconspicuous. Sepals iin., ovate-obtuse, glabrescent on the back, ciliate even in the fruit. Corolla small, yellow, i-f in., campanulate ; lobes 5, acute. Capsule |in., subglobose, 2-celled a Cell often 1-seeded. Seeds 2-4, glabrous, dark chestnut-coloured. "At a little distance the plant has the appearance of Hydrocotyle asiatica." (Pharmacographia Indica, Vol. II. p. 539).

Use : — The plant is described as deobstruent and diuretic, (S. Arjun).

The Hindus administer the juice in rat-bite, and drop it into the ear to cure sores in that organ. Its properties appear to be more fanciful than real, though, like others of the genus, it is purgative if taken in large doses (Dymock

842. I. ohscura, Ker. h v f.b.i., iv. 207.

Syn : — Convolvulus obscurus, Linn. Roxb. 158, Vern. :— Sirutali (Tarn.); Tsinuataliaku (Tel.). " Habitats- Throughout India and Ceylon: - ~ :