Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/196

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rough, moderately hard ; noheartwood, no annual rings. Leaves 1-pinnate, tomentose when young, glabrous afterwards, generally approximate near the ends of branches, l-2ft. Leaflets 7-9, 4 J by 2in., obtuse, with a short point, elliptic, entire or crenate, often serrulate, 3-4pair ; petiolule 0-^in Flowers in large, termi- nal, densely tawny- tomentose panicles. Pedicels short, woolly. Calyx on one side more deeply or obtusely bilabiate or irregular- ly lobed half-way down. Corolla floccose, ultimately glabrate, campanulate, white, fringed with pink, tube ljin., mouth 2in. diam., lobes crisped. Anther-cells elliptic ; divaricate at base. Capsule straight, narrowly oblong, slightly compressed, smooth, velvety while young, 8-12 by lj-2in., divided into 4 cells by the 4-ridged septum, which latter, when cut horizontally, looks cross-shaped. Seeds li by lin.

Use : — The natives extract from the wood a thick fluid like tar, which they use in skin diseases.

905. Stei'eospermum eheloniodes, DeC, h.f.b.i., iv. 382.

Syn : — Bignonia cheloniodes, Linn. /. Roxb. 493.

Vern, : — Pader, padri, parral (Hind.); Pandair (Lohardaga) ; Pandri (Khar.var) ; Dharmar, atkapali (Beng.) ; Kandior, pondair (Kol.) ; Parolli (Assam) ; Pareya-auwal (Cachar) ; Bolzel (Garo) ; Parari (Nepal) ; Syngyen (Lepcha) ; Sirpang (Michi) ; Pamphunia (Uriya) ; Tsaintsa (Magh) ; Taitu (Berar) ; Padurni (Bhil) ; Padal, padri, paral, kirsel, tuatuka (Bomb.); Kirsel, tuatuka, padul, padvale, padhri (Mar.) ; Padri, pon-padira, pathiri, vela-padri, appu, Kana Virukham (Tarn.) ; Tagada, thagu, kala goru, moka- yapa, pisul (Tl.); Kalihiitrii, kall-udi, bondh-vala, bile padri, maradakarji, puruli mara (Kan.) ; Nai-udi, mallali (Coorg) ; Patirimaram (Mai).

Hahitat: — Through moister India; from the Terai of Oudh and Assam to Ceylon.

A large deciduous tree, 30— 60ft., nearly glabrous, except the flowers. Bark brown varying in thickness up to |in., outer bark corky. Wood hard, grey, no heartwood Leaves 1-pinnate, 12-I8in., leaflets imparipinnate, 3-5 pair, elliptic caudate acumi- nate, blade 4-6in., petiole i-|-in. long. Panicle branches slender,