Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/197

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glabrous. Flowers fragrant. Calyx Jin., shortly 3-toothed. Corolla yellow, tinged and marked purple red, fin. long, thinly hairy within and without ; crisped. Capsule linear, obscurely- quadrangular, slender curved, 10-30 by -§in., smooth or speckled. Valves coriaceous, midrib raised. Seeds wedge- shaped or subtrigonous, embedded in notches in the septums. 1 by |in., easily splitting through the centre.

Uses : — The roots, leaves and flowers are used in decoction as febrifuge (T. N. Mukerji).

The juice of the leaves, mixed with lime juice, is of use in maniacal cases (Kheede).

906. 8. sLiaveolens, DeC, h.f.b.l, iv. 382.

Syn : — Bignonia suaveolens, Roxb. 493

Sails : — According to Sanskrit authors there are two varie- ties :

Patala (pale-red), Kama-duti (love-messenger), Kumbhika (a small pitcher), Kala-vrittika (black stalk), Sulpha-medha (little understanding), Madhor-duti (messenger of a demon), Tamra- pushpa (copper flower), Ambu-vasini (water-dweller.)

The second variety— Sveta-kumbhika (the white pitcher), Krishna-pa tala.

Vern. : —Paral, padal, padiala, pad, padaria, parur, purula, par (Hind.); Parlu, pariil, ghunta, mug (Beng.) ; Pandri (Khar- war) ; Kandior (Kol.) ; Papre, Pader (Santal) ; Parair (Nepal) ; Singyen (Lepcha) ; Patiili (Uriya) ; padar (Kurku) ; Pandri (C. P.) ; Phalgataitu (Melghat) ; Unt-katar, padar (Gond.) ; Padal (N.-W. P.) ; Padal, kalthaun, summe (Pb.) ; Pan, dan (Bhil) ; Paral, paddal, pahad (Bomb.) ; Padal, padialu, parul. kalagori (Mar.) ; Padiri, gocldatipalusu (Nellore) ; Padri (Tarn.) ; Kala- goru, kuberakashi, padari, patali (Tel.) ; Hiiday, billa, vulunan- tri marada, kayi (Kan.).

Habitat : — Throughout moister India, from the Himalayan Terai to Travancore and Tenasserim. " Planted specially about the Buddhist Temples " in Ceylon, says Trimen.

A large, deciduous tree, 30-60ft. Bark ^in. thick, grey, ex- foliating in very irregularly-shaped flat scales. Wood hard. Sap wood grey ; heart wood small, yellowish brown, beautifully