Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/347

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of which he was a trustee for more than 30 years, 1766-99.

Bacon, Ezekiel, LL.D., 1776-1870. E. B>; A Graduate c/1794. An eminent American lawyer and statesman; b. in Boston; Yale Coll., 1794; from 1815, a resident of Utica, NY., and for some years the oldest living graduate of Yale Coll. ; d. at Utica.

Bacon, Miss Julia. Mollie Myrtle. An American writer of prose and verse ; b. at Macon, Ga. ; in 1871 a resident of Howard, Taylor Co., Ga.

Bacon, Phanuel, D.D., 1700-83. The Friar. An English clergyman ; of Magdalen Coll., Oxford; Yicar of Bram- ber, Sussex, and Rector of Balden, Ox- fordshire, where he died.

Bacon, Kev. Thomas. An American Pastor. An American Epis. clergyman, of St. Peter's, Md.

Badcock, John. John Bee, Esq. An English journalist, of London ; "Ed- itor of the 'Fancy/ 'Fancy Gazette/ ' Living Picture of London/ and the like of that "

Badcock, Bev. John. J. B. An English Epis. divine; with two others left England, in 1850, to found a Chris- tian Mission in Terra del ITuego, where they starved to death (*).

Badcock, Bev. Samuel, 1750-88. Cam. ; Justinophilus. An English clergy- man; b. at South Moulton, Devon.; in 1787 he joined the Church of England, and became Curate of Broad Clyst; contributor to the "London Review," "London Magazine," etc., and espe- cially to the "Monthly Review"; d. in London.

Badeau, Adam. The Vagabond. An American officer and author ; b. in New York City; Consul-General at London, 1874 et seq., more recently at Havana, Cuba ; resigned in 1884.

Badgley, Jonathan. Uncle Jona- than. An American author of educa- tional works.

Badham, Charles, M.D., -1845. An Amateur. An English physician and poet; b. in London; educ at Edinburgh and Oxford ; Prof, of Med. in the Univ. of Glasgow, 1827-45 ; d. in London ; he was a contributor to "Blackwood's Mag- azine."

Badia y Leblich, Domingo, 1766- 1818. Ali Bey, El Abassi. A Spanish adventurer; b. in Biscay; received the best education Europe could afford; passed through many strange adventures in a professed at- tempt to found a colony of Europeans

between Algiers and Morocco ; d. on his way to Mecca.

Badin, Rev. Stephen, Theodore, 1768-1853. A French Clergyman. An R. C. divine; b. at Orleans, France, came to Baltimore, 1792; ordained by Dr. Carroll in 1793; d. in Cincinnati.

Bagby, Dr. George W., 1828-1883. Moses Adams ; Mozis Addums. An Amer- ican humorous writer, of Richmond, Va., where he died.

Bagehot, Walter, M.A., 1826-77. W. B. An English economist; b. in Longport, Somersetshire; for a time Examiner in the Univ. of London; con- tributor of essays and reviews to the periodical press, and editor of the " Economist " ; d. in his native town.

Bagg, Lyman HotchMss, 1846-. A Yale Graduate of '69; Karl Kron; El Atchby; A Massachusetts Yankee; N. S. Gr. An American author and journalist, of New York City ; college chronicler for the New York " World," 1876-82 ; b. in West Springfield, Mass.

Bagley, Miss Sarah G. & G. B. An American writer, of Meredith (now Laconia), N.H.; contributed to the "Lowell Offering,"

Bagnold, Miss E. S. H. E. S. H. S. An English author.

Bagot, A G. Bagatelle. An English sporting writer, in the " Country Gentle- man and Sporting Gazette" in 1881.

Bagot, Very Rev. Daniel, D.D. D. B. An eminent Irish (?) Episcopal divine; Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1827; Dean of Dromore, Ireland, 1850-75 ; in 1880, resident at St. James Road, Surbiton, Surrey.

Bagot, Lewis, D.D., 1740-1802. Bishop B****. An eminent English clergyman; educ. at Westminster School and at Christ Church, Oxford; successively Bishop of Bristol, Norwich, and St. Asaph, 1782-1802; d. at his house in Oxford Street.

Bagshawe, Francis Ux>yd. A Priest. An English Roman Catholic writer.

Baikie, William Balfour, M.D. W. B. B. An English naturalist and bibliographer.

Bailey, Ten. Benjamin,, D.D., 1791- 1853. An Undergraduate of the Univ. of Oxford; Vetus. An English Episcopal divine ; archdeacon of Colombo ; for forty years a missionary at Travan- core, India; d. in London.

Bailey, Ebenezer, -1839, Grins and Gripes. An American educator; Yale Coll., 1817; for many years an emi-