Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/348

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nent teacher in Boston ; d. at -Lynn, Mass.

Bailey, Rev. Henry, D.D., 1815-. H. B. An English Episcopal divine ; b. at North Leverton, Notts; St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 1839; Vicar of W. Tarring w. Durrington, 1878-80 et seq.

Bailey, Isaac H. Yarmouth.

Bailey, James Montgomery, 1841-. Danbury News Man An American jour- nalist and humorous writer, of Dan- bury, Conn. ; b. in Albany, N Y.

Bailey, Peter, -1823. Qiorgione di Castel Ckiuso. An English poet and journalist; editor of the "Museum," London.

Bailey, Samuel, 1791-1870 An Egyptian Kafir ; A Yorkshire Freeholder; A Younger Brother. An eminent English philosopher and litterateur ; b. at Shef- field; the "Bentham of Hallamshire," as he was called; devoted the greater

Eart of his lite to his literary pursuits ; e d. suddenly, and left 90,000 to his native town.

Bailey, Thomas. An Old Trades- man, An English writer, of Basford, near Nottingham.

Bailey, Mrs. Una Locke. Una Locke An American writer.

Baillie, Mrs. E. C. C. E. 0. G. B. An English poet and prose writer.

Baillie, Hugh, A Doctor of Laws. An English jurist, at one time Judge of the Court of Admiralty.

Baillie, Miss Joanna, 1764-1851.

j J5 . An eminent Scottish

writer ; b. at the Manse of Bothwell, in the upper dale of the Clyde; for the principal part of her life a resident of Hampstead, near London, where she died.

Baillie, Matthew, M.D , 1761-1823. Dr. B e. An eminent Scottish physi- cian; brother of Joanna Baillie; b. in the Manse of Tholy, near Hamilton, Scotland; Balliol Coll., Oxford; prac- tised his profession in London ; d. at his seat at Duntisbourne, near Cirencester.

Bailllere, Jean Baptiste Emile, 1831-. J. B. E. B. A Erench journal- ist; b in Paris; contributor to the "Chronique" of the "Journal de la Libraine."

Bailly, Mme Emma Berenger. Claire de Chandeneux. A French nove- list ; a prolific writer of romances suita- ble for the young.

Bainb ridge, Mrs. Harriette (Smith). Cemi Laker. An English ( * ) poet.

Baird, George D. Mercury. An American bicycle journalist and writer, of New York City.

Baird, Henry. Nathan Hogg. An English philologist and dialect poet.

Baird, Thomas H., 1787-1866. Ale- thes. An eminent American jurist; b in "Washington, Penn. ; after more than 30 years of active life as a judge and lawyer, he returned to his farm near Monongahela City, Washington Co., Penn.; d in Alleghany City, Penn.

Baker, Frank Leslie. Grip Fast. An American journalist.

Baker, Mrs. Delphine P. Ddphme. An American philanthropist, the chief object of whose life for years was to pro- vide a home for the men disabled in the late war.

Baker, Mrs. Harriette Newell (Woods). Aunt Eattie; Mrs. Madeline Leslie. An American writer of books for children.

Baker, Henry. A G-entleman late of the Inner Temple. An English writer; son of Henry Baker.

Baker, Henry, 1703-74. Henry Stone- castle. Ail English poet and naturalist ; b. in London ; devoted his life chiefly to teaching the deaf and dumb , d. in Lon- don

Baker, Rev. Sir Henry Williams, 3d Bart., 1821-77. H. W. B. An Eng- lish Epis. divine; Vicar of Monkland, near Leominster, Hertfordshire, 1851-77.

Baker, James Lorlng Profit and Loss An American economical writer, of Boston.

Baker, Leonard. Maistre Drekab. An English humorous writer.

Baker, Samuel. A Seaman's friend. An English writer; member of the Board of Trade, and Hon. Sec. to the Committee of Inquiry into the Merchant Seamen's Priends.

Baker, Mrs. Sarah S. (Tuthill). Aunt friendly. An American writer of books for the young ; a daughter of Mrs. Louisa C. Tuthill, late of Princeton, N J. ; now (1885) residing in Sweden.

Baker, T. M. T. M. B. An Ameri- can novelist.

Baker, Thomas, 1656-1740. A Gen- tleman. A learned English antiquary; b. at Crook, in the parish of Lancaster, in the bishoprick of Durham ; Fellow of St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 1679, but in 1717 was deprived of his fellowship, and afterwards was wont to add to his signature Socius Ejectus; he resided at his college till lus death, devoted to studies in history, biography, and an- tiquities.

Baker, Thomas. Pikestaff. An Eng- lish barrister-at-law.