Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/282

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Pycroft, Eev. James. A Graduate of Oxford.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 529.

Pye, Mrs. J. Henrietta. A Ladij. An English poet ; sister of Henry James Pye, poet laureate to George III. " She

was, says Walpole, "a Jewess who turned Christian and poetess."

Pyot or Pyet, Rev. . Mago-Pico,

minister of Muchtiwhanock. A Scottish minister of Dunbar. — See Scott's " St. Ronan's Well," note to Chap. XVI.


QulckseU, W. F. W. F. Q. An Amer- ican Shakespearian writer of the day, of Washington, D.C.(1).

Quler, Dr. John, and others. Dif- ferent Practitioners. Quier, John, M.D. ; practised his profession in Jamaica, one hundred years ago.

Quincey, Thomas. A Man of Business.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 530.

Quincy, Edmund. A Leading Demo- crat of " Egypt" in Southern Illinois ; D. Y.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 530.

Quincy, Joslah, LL.D., 1772-1864. A Citizen ; An Alumnus ; A Conservative Whig ; The President of Harvard Univer- sity. An eminent American citizen ; b. in Boston; Harv. Univ., 1790; M.C.,

1805-13; mayor of Boston, 1823-28, and president of Harv. Coll., 1828-45.

Quincy, Joslah, Jr., 1802-82. The Mayor. An eminent citizen of Boston; b. in Quincy (?), Mass.; Harv. Univ., 1821 ; was a Jawyer ; mayor of Boston, 1845 ; d. in Quincy('0 or BostonC?).

Quincy, Josiah Phillips, -1830. J. P. Q. An American poet and dramatist ; son of the preceding ; b. in Boston ; in 1887 of Boston and WoUaston.

Quincy, Samuel Miller. A Prisoner. An American volunteer.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 530.

Quint, Rev. Alonzo Hall, 1828-. The Pastor. An American Congregational cler- gyman; b. atBarnstead, N.H.; Dartmouth Coll., 1846; AndoverTheol. Sem., 1852.


Radicatl, Albert, Count de Passeran. A Friend to Truth. An Italian who, having written against the Church of Rome, fled to England, where he joined the infidel writers and wrote infidel works.

Radot, Valery- Sis Son-in-law. A French writer of the day ; son-in-law of Louis Pasteur.

Raleigh, Samuel. Scotus. A Scot- tish lawyer.

Ralph, James. No Matter by Whom.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 630.

Ramsay, . Jonathan Oldbuck. A

Scottish antiquary of Octertyre ; an inti- mate friend and neighbor of Lord Karnes, and cousin-german to the father of Mr. David Dundas.

Ramsay, Rev. A. A Clergyman. An English clergyman of the eighteenth century.

Ramsay, AUan, Jr., 1709-84. A Dilettante in law and politics. A Scottish

portrait painter ; b. in Edinburgh ; son of the poet ; was also a political writer.

Ramsay, Miss Charlotte (Lennox), 1720-1804. A Young Lady. An Amer- ican poet and novelist ; daughter of Col. James Ramsay, governor of New York, and b. in New York City ; she published under the maiden name of Ramsay.

Ramsay, Rev. James, -1824. A Friend of Truth and Peace. A Scottish minister of Glasgow.

Ranby, John. An Old Member of Parliament. An English politician.

Rand, Eev. William, 1700-79. A Lover of Truth and Peace. An American clergyman ; Harv. Coll., 1721 ; minister at Sunderland, Mass., 1724-45, and of Kingston, 1746-79.

Randolph, Charles. An American Citizen. An American financial writer of the day, of Chicago(?).

Randolph, Edmund, -1813. The Attorney- General. An American lawyer