Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/292

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Silsbee, Rev. William. ]V. S. An American clergyman ; b. in Salem, Mass. ; Harv. Coll., 1882; Divinity School, 1836; since 1868 pastor at Trenton, N.Y.

Siininons, Rev. George Frederick, A.M., 1814-55. G. F. S.; A Member of the Same. An American clergyman ; b. in Boston; Harv. Coll., is:!2; Divinity School, 1838 ; passed his life chiefly at Concord, Mass., from 1850, and d. there.

Simmons, William HtiyneC?), M.D. Athenian. An American writer; b. in South Carolina ; afterwards resided in East Florida ; M.D. Univ. of Pennsyl- vania, but never practised medicine.

Simms, William Gilmore, LL.D. W. G. S. ; Guy Rivers.

See " I. ajid P.," Pirst Series, p. 550.

Simon, Edouard ^tlenne. jSdouard Lockroy. A French writer of the day.

Simon, Emma (Couvely), 1848-. Emma Vely. A German novelist of the day; b. at Braunfels, near Metzlar; taught at Hanover, and while a teacher wrote her first novel; in 1871 married the bookseller Simon in Stuttgart, and in 1886 lives at Frankfurt-a-M.

Simond, Louis. Un Frangais.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 550.

Simpson, Mrs. Evangeline M. Van Saxon. An American writer of the day.

Simpson, J. Palgrave. A Traveller. An English miscellaneous writer.

Simpson, Joseph. A Barrister-at-law. An English lawyer of one hundred years ago.

Simpson, Rev. Samuel, M.A. A Lay- man. An English clergyman; chaplain of St. Thomas, Douglas, Isle of Man, 1851-67 ; afterwards resident in 1880 at Kingston House, Chertsey.

Simpson, W. Graham. Jonathan Coalfield. An English artist.

Simpson, Wolley. An Auctioneer. An English writer.

Sisson, Rev. John. A Country Pastor. An English clergyman.

Sjoberg, Erik, 1794-1828. Vitalis. A Swedish poet.

Skelton, John. A Democratic Tory ; S.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 551.

Skene, Harriet. Martha Bethune Ba- liol. An Eiiplish lady of the last century.

Skerret, Slarie. Skirra. An English woman; wife of Sir Robert Walpole.

Skinner, Abby. Aunt Abbie. An American writer of the day.

Sladen, John. A Protestant Dissenter, a Friend to Truth, Peace, and Liberty. An English Independent of early in the eigh- teenth century.

Slatter, James W. J. W. 8. An

English writer.

Slow, Jonathan, D.D., P.R.S., etc. Pindaricus. An English clergyman and poet of one hundred years ago.

Smalridge, George, 1603 - 1719, George Smallage. A learned English prelate; b. at Lichfield; educ. at West- minster and Oxford ; bishop of Bristol, 1714-19.

Smedley, Rev. Edward. A Church- man.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 552.

Smedley, Miss Menella Bute. M. S.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 552.

Smeeton, George. Q. 8.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 652.

Smith, A. Fritz. A writer of the day.

Smith, Adam ; Hume, David ; and others. A Society of Gentlemen.

Smith, Carl. C. S:th. A Swedish writer.

Smith, Mrs. Caroline L. Aunt Carrie. An American writer for the young.

Smith, Charitie Lees. C. L. 8. An Irish poet, etc. ; daughter of Rev. Sidney Smith, rector of Aghalurcher, county Fermanagh, Ireland; b. at Bloomfield, Merrion Co., Dublin.

Smith, Charles Card, 1827-. 8.; C. C. 8. ; S — h. An American writer of Boston ; b. in that city ; has contributed to the "North American Review," the "Christ. Exam.," the "Atlantic Month- ly," and the " Literary World."

Smith, Mrs. E. Vale. E. V. 8. An American writer of the day.

Smith, Edvpard. Captain Ray.

Smith, P. Hopkinson, 1838-. The Owl. An American artist ; b. in Balti- more ; self-educated ; a prominent mem- ber of the Water-Color Society, of which he has been treasurer, 1872-78 et seq.

Smith, George. G. 8. An IrishC?) writer on angling one hundred years ago.

Smith, George Barnett. G. B. S.

Smith, Rev. George Charles. G. C. 8.; "Boatswain" Smith; A Sailor Preacher; The Sailor's Friend.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 553.

Smith, Gerrit. X; 8. 1797-. An American philanthropist ; b. at Utica, N.Y. ; Hamilton Coll., 1818; admitted to the bar, 1853 ; M.C., 1852.

Smith, Gold>vln, LL.D. A Layman.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 553.

Smith, Helen A. Hazel Shepard. An writer on natural history.

Smith, Helen E. Ethel Carlton.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 553,