Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/293

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Smith, Mrs. Horace Weinyss.

Horace Wemj/ss ; H. W. S. An

religious writer of the day.

Smith, James Alexander. J. A. S. A Scottisli naturalistC?).

Sn»ith, James Hicks, 1822-82. An Hereditary High Churchman. An Eng- lish barrister; b. at Manchester (?) ; of the Inner Temple, and for some time went the Oxford Circuit ; d. at Brewood, Staffordshire.

Smith, James Moore. Phitoscrib- lerus ; Philoditto.

See " 1. and P.," First Series, p. 553.

Smith, Jerome Van CroTPniiishield, M.D., 1800-. A Citizen of Massachusetts. An American author ; b. in Conway, N.H. ; Brown Univ., 1818; M.D. Wil- liams Coll., 1822 ; mayor of Boston, 1854.

Smith, Kev. John Cotton, D.D., 1826-82. The Rector; A New York Presbyter. An American Protestant Episcopal clergyman ; b. in Andorer, Mass. ; Bowdoin Coll., 1847 ; Theologi- cal Seminary at Gambler, Ohio ; rector of the Church of the Ascension, N.Y., 1860-82 ; d. at his home.

Smith, Mrs. Julia, 1761-1834. The Editor of " Letters of the Swedish Court." An English writer; widow of Rev. Joseph Smith, vicar of Melksham, Wiltshire ; d. at Grantham.

Smith, Mrs. Julie P. Widow Gold- smith.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 554.

Smith, L. D. Dog Whip.

Smith, Mrs. Jj. T. L. T. Meade. An American writer of the day.

Smith, R. C. Merlinus Anglicus, Jun. ; Members of the Mercuric, etc. An Eng- lish writer on astrology fifty years ago.

Smith, S. A Rambler. An English author.

Smith, Seba. John Smith, Esquire.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 554.

Smith, Thomas Li. Jeremy Peters.

Smith, William, D.D., 1727 or 28- 1803. Candidus.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 554.

Smith, Rev. WUliam. M. G. {Mira- cle of Grace). A preacher of the Hunt- ingtonian persuasion, who, in imitation of his master, of leather-breeches mem- ory, subscribed himself " M. G. (Mir- acle of Grace) " ; he was minister of Beersheba Chapel, Prospect Place, St. George's Fields, London.

Smith, William. A Burgher; Sece- der in Glasgoiv. A Scottish writer of one hundred years ago.

Smith, WiUiam P., D.D. Mnason.

A Scottish clergyman ; minister of Keig and Tough, Aberdeenshire.

Smith, Wyndham. Assassin. An Englishman ; son of the great Sydney, and a man of curious saturnine humor.

Smyth, Egbert Coffin, D.D., and others, 1829-. The Editors of the An- dover "Review." An urainent American clergyman ; b. at Brunswick, Me. ; Bow- doin Coll., 1848; Bangor Theol. Sem., 1853 ; professor at Andover Theol. Sem., 1863-87.

Smythe, Emily Anne Beaufort, Vis- countess Strangford. Emily A. Beaufort.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 555.

Smythies, T. B. The Editor of " The British Workman."

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 555.

Snell, H. H. H. H. 8. An English editor of the " Evangelist," London.

Snelilng, William Joseph. W. J. 8.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 555.

Snoilsliy, Carl Johan Gustaf, Count, 1841-. Sven Trost. A Swedish poet; member of the Swedish Acad.

Snow, Rev. Herman. A Minister of the Gospel. An American minister and spiritualist; of Cambridge Divinity School, 1843; in 1887 resident in that city.

Snow, Rev. Theodore William, A.M. The Rector.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 555.

Snow^den, James Boss, 1810-. The Director of the Mint. An American writer on coins and medals; b. in Chester, Del- aware Co., Penn. ; director of the United States mint, 1853-61.

Snowe, Joseph. George St. George. An English writer.

Somervllle, Rt. Hon. JohnC?), 1765-. A Friend to Order. A Scottish baron; b. in Somersetshire; educ. at Harrow School, and at St. John's Coll., Cam- bridge ; was a practical agriculturist.

Sonden, Anders Fredrik. A. F. S. A Swedish writer of the day.

Sorel, W. J. Christian Le Ros.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 555.

Sotheby, H. W. Meleager. An Eng- lish writer m " Temple Bar."

Sotheran, Miss . Pudica.

Southard, Rev. Samuel Lewis, 1819- 59. The Rector. An American clergy- man; rector of Calvary Church, New York; b. in Trenton, N.J.; New Jersey Coll., 1836.

Southey, Robert, Esq. A Laureat.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 555.

Southwick, Solomon, Jr. Henry Homespun, Jr.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 555.