Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/44

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Clergyman of New England, A.

William Buell Sprague, D.D. Letters on practical subjects, from ... to his daugliter. Hartford, 1822.

Clergyman of the Church of Eng- land, A. William Elstob. An essay on the great aflBnity ... of the two profes- sions of divinity and law ... In a let- ter from ... to an eminent lawyer. L. 171:5.

Clergyman of the Church of Eng- land, A. Bev. Lerjh Bichinoncl. The negro servant ... L., n.d.

Clergj'man of the Church of Eng- land, A. Eev. Charles Bradley. Origi- nal memorials ; or, brief sli:etches of real character. By . . . L. 1822.

Clergyman of the Church of Eng- land, A. John Plumptre. A plain and easy introduction to the principles of natural and revealed religion . . . By . . . L. 17i)5.

Clergyman of the Church of Eng- land, A. Joseph Blanco White. Prepar- atory observations on the study of relig- ion. By . . . Oxf. 1817.

Clergyman of the Church of Eng- land, A. Rev. John Jackson. Three letters to Dr. Clarke from ... L. 1714.

Clergyman of the Church of Eng- land, A. iiVc. John Corpe. Some very remarkable facts . . , relating to the con- duct of the Jesuits with regard to Mr. Bowen. L. 1758.

Clergyman of the Church of Eng- land, A. Sev. John Bennet. Strictures on female education . . . By ... L. 1788.

Clergyman of the Church of Scot- land, A. Rev. James Flowerdeiv. The observance of the Lord's Day considered, particularly in reference to railway trav- elling. By . . . Edinb. 1839.

Clergyman of the Diocese of Exeter. A. Bev. George Ferris Whid- borne. What is baptism ■? By ... L. 18.3-.

Clergyman of the Established Church, A. Thomas Home, D.D. Re- flexions on the Sabbath . , . By . L 179.5.

Clergyman of the Establishment, A. Rev. George Huyglti. Observations suggested by the perusal of Mr. Lofft's liistory of the corporation and test acts . . . L. 18—.

Clergyman's Wife, A. Mrs. (T. il/.)(?) Fallow. Poetical remains of . . . h. 1833.

Clericus. Orville Deweij, D.V., in the " Christ. Exam.," III., 89. B. 1826.

Clericus. Rev. Charles Page Eden. The case of the articles. By . . . Oxf. 1835.

Clericus. Alexander Gunn, D.D. Two letters to u, clergyman of tlie Reformed Dutch Church, on the question whether a man may lawfully marry his deceased wife's sister. 1827.

Clericus, M. A. B. Hihbs. (1) A few more words on the introduction of Italian opera into Edinburgh. By . . . Edinb. 1855. — (2) Remarks on the Italian opera in Edinburgh . . . By . . . Edinb. 1854.

Clericus Hampdenensis. Dorus Clarke, D.D. Letters to the Hon. Horace Mann ... By . . . B. 18—.

Clericus Lyvecanus. Bev. Ccesar Otway. Answer of an unbenificed clergy- man of the diocese of Dublin ... L. 1823.

Clericus Septentrionalis. James Richardson. Remarks on a letter to the clergy of the diocese of Chester . . . By . . . York, 1829.

Cleveland, Kate. — See " Ellen, of Louisville, Kentucky."

Client, C , Car., or Caroline.

Mrs. O. E. S. (S.) Norton. Her signa- tures in writing to Mr. Abram Hay- ward, whom she addressed as Dear "Arocat."

Clio. Williams. The con- verted Indian, a poem . . Shrews- bury, 1774.

Clio. Thomas Clio Rickman. Hints upon hats. By . . . L. 1803.

Clisson, Paul. Marie Roch Louis Rei/baud.

Clithercw. Sir William Blackstone.

A poem of Sir Williara Blackstone, particu- larly admired by his friends, on the death of Frederick, Prince of Wales, was published in 1751, under the name of Clitherow, his brother- in-law. It may be found la " Q-ent. Mag.," 61,335.

Clive, Arthur. Standish O'Oradg. A sketch of Ireland. "Gent. Mag.," 1875.

Cloak-bag, Captain. Champ-

Jield. XIV. articles of treason, etc. Oxf. 1643.

Clodwig. Karl I^udwig Friedrich 1 Vil- helm Alcensleben.

Clootz, Anaeharsis. Jean Bapliste Gloolz.

Cloud, Colonel. James Browne, LL.D. Some passages in the life of . . . " Black- wood," Vol. XVIIL, p. 16, etc. (written by the "Ettrick Shepherd").

Coalfield, Jonathan. W. Graham Sim/)sun.

Cobb, Billy. William Cobbett.