Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/45

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Sketches of the life of . . ., and the death of Tommy Pain. [A satire in verse] . . . By the author of the Dorchester Guide. L. 1819(?).

Cocains, Jodocus. Dr. Alexander Geddes. Ode Pindarico-Saphico-Macaro- nica, in . . . Gulielml Pittii, etc., Laudem, Auctore J. C. Merlini Cocaii [Theopli. Folengi] pronepote.

Cocaius, Merlinus. Teophilo Folengo [Theopliilua Folengi]. — See "Cocaius, Jodocus."

Codicil. Lord Harcourt. — See " Her- modactyl," etc.

Coiilin. John Lash Lateij.

Cogswell, E. Charles Ledyard Norton.

Coissy, Henri de. Henrij Goppee.

Colenfeld, A. von. Adolph Gorling. Die vitalienbriider, oder des Stortebelcer's leben und ende ; uach liistorischen quel- len. Hannover, 184:4.

Collegian, A. [W. T. Moncrietf {pseiidoni/m)]. WilUam Thomas. Prison thoughts. Elegy written in the Kiag'c Bench ... By . . . L. 1821.

Collier, Coleman. James Everett. Gatherings from the pit-heaps; or, the Aliens of Sliiney-Row. L. 1861.

Collier, Joel. George Veal. Musical travels in England. L. 1774.

Not J. L. Bichnell.

Collier, Joel, Redivivus. George Veal. A new edition of musical travels, dedicated to ... J. B. L — g — r [Jean Baptiste Logier]. L. 1818.

Collier, Johu. Rev. Henry Brooke. Lancashire hob and the quacli-doctor. Manchester, 1745.

This poem is printed among Collier's works; but some say it was written by Brooke, others by Robert Thyer, or the Rev. John Clayton.

Collop, Christoplier, Curate of Cots- wold. Richard Graves. The spiritual Quixote ; or, the summer's ramble of Mr. Geoffry Wildgoose. A comic ro- mance. L. 1774.

Colorecl Man, A. Lewis H. Putnam. The review of the revolutionary elements of the rebellion, and of the aspect of re- construction . . . By . . . Brooklyn, L.I., 1868.

Colson, N. Cornelius Nan/. A true and modest account of the chief points in controversy between the Eoman Catholics and Protestants. By . . . L. 17—.

Colson, Sylvester. Winslom Curtis. The trials of John Duncan Wliite . . . and ... for the murder of . . . B. 1827.

Conn-patriot, A. J. Collins. An address to the people of Ireland ... By . . . Dublin, 1815.

Coinuiissioner, A. John Burton. The present state of navigation on the Thames considered ... By . . . Oxf. 1764.

Commissioner, The. Enoch Cobb Wines, D.D. International congress on the prevention and repression of critne . . . report of . . . appointed ... to repre- sent the United States in the congress ... W. 1872.

Commissioner, The. James Harman Ward. Report of . . . appointed to ex- amine the system of constructing boats by machinery, constructed by Nathan Thompson, Jr., of New York. N.Y. 1859.

Commissioner of Indian Affairs, The. George W. Manijpennij. Letter from ... to Colonel Benton. ' W. 1855.

Commissioner of Taxes, A. Francis Neivberg. Tliouglits on taxation. By... L. 1798.

Committee, The. Charles R. Hale, S. Huntingdon Jones, and Henri/ Morton. Report of . . . appointed by tbe Philoma- thean Society of the Universitj' of Penn- sylvania to translate the inscription on the Rosetta Stone. P. 1858.

Committee of Pastors, A. Edward Davis, George Alexander Oriatt, and Eli Benedict Clark. Sketches of the cliurclies and pastors in Hampden county, Mass. . . . Westfield, 1854.

Committee of the Regiment, A. Henry Sweetser Burrage, and others. History of the Thirty-sixth regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-65. By ... B. 1884.

Common Sense. Thomas Paine. The American crisis. By ... P. 1777.

Common Sense. William Carpenter. The earth not a globe. [In verse.] By ... L. 1864.

Common Sense. /. P. Kennedy. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus under the constitution of the United States ... P. 1862.

"Common Sense." H. W. Boozer. Stubborn facta, etc., by . . . Worcester, Mass., 1876.

Common Sense. William Carpenter. Theoretical astronomy examined and ex- posed. By . . . L. 1864.

Common Sense Man, A. J. Warren Farlin. A primer on the origin of knowledge . . . Saratoga Springs, 1835.

Compton, Jemima. Mrs. Jemima Compton Gladstone. The ups and downs of an old maid's life. By L.


Comptroller of the Treasury, The. R. W. Tayler. Tenure of office. Opin- ion of . . . W. 1867.