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XX. Correct their vanity & pride, by giving them a low opinion of splendor and vain show, & be careful not to give them too high a notion of their own merit in any respect, either by praising them too much, or by indulging them with outward ornaments superior to their station in life.

XXI. If you wish to see them thrive in the world, and be respected, you must caution them to avoid both the luxurious extravagance of the spend thrift, and the sorded meanness of the miser. All extremes are dangerous. Therefore instruct them to keep the middle path, and by industry and prudent economy, to lay up something against the decline of life.

XXII. Gradually infuse into the minds of your children the clearest and most affecting notions of God, of his Son Jesus Christ, of the fall of man, and of his redemption through the sufferings and death of Christ, who gave his life a ransom for you, and for many, for the remission of sins.

XXIII. Sabbath breaking is the source of many other crimes, therefore accustom them, from their infancy, to keep holy the Sabbath Day. Make them repair, every time divine service is performed, to church, or some other place of public worship, and in order to make them attentive to what is read or preached unto them, it will be proper, after they return home, to inquire whether they recollect the words of the text, what part of