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III. Let your conduct and behaviour towards them always be respectful, reverent, and submissive, and your words affectionate and humble.

IV. Rejoice to testify, by every means in your power, your love, and veneration, and gratitude to your tender and affectionate parents. It is to them you are indebted, not only for your existence, but also for their care in promoting your welfare, giving you education, and instructing you in the duties of virtue and religion.

V. Listen attentively to their good instructions and advice. It is your interest they have at heart in giving it; and their duty, their affection, and their experience empower, induce, and qualify them to do it.

VI. Be careful to follow their good examples in the practice of every godly, relative, and social duty. For though it is their duty to train you up in the way you should go, and to set you good examples; yet you must remember, it is yours to attend to their instructions, and to tread in their steps.

VII. Where parents are either incapable or negligent of giving good instructions to their children, the greatest care and diligence is required of those children to gain knowledge, and to improve themselves in righteousness and true holiness. For without these no man shall see the Lord.