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VIII. The happiness of your parents depends, in a great measure, on your conduct; therefore be careful to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. By so doing, you will rejoice the hearts of those who have done so much for you. Virtuous children are the joy of their parents. A wise son, saith Solomon, maketh a glad father.

IX. On the other hand, guard yourselves against every species of ill-behaviour, wickedness, and vice, and from doing any thing that may give pain to those persons whose hearts have felt no little on your account. Your ill-conduct will most certainly be productive of their misery. A foolish son is the heaviness of his mother. And if your take up, and persevere in bad ways, you will, in time, bring down their grey hairs with sorrow, to the grave.

X. Be not impatient of parental control. If you suffer the fond desire of acting without restraint, and of indulging your own inclinations to get possession of your hearts, the most gentle authority of your affectionate parents will soon become burdensome to you; and you may lament the time of shaking off your dependence on, and disregard to your parents, perhaps so long as you live.