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XIV. Repay not the fears and anxieties they have experienced for your happiness and success in the world, by disobedience and deeds of unkindness, which will pierce them to the soul, and, perhaps, break those hearts, which you and you alone, have long had sole possession of.

XV. Show the most tender concern for them on all occasions; and if you happen to have a widowed parent, remember to behave to her with a greater degree of duty and love. Double kindness, if possible, and all the tenderness and affection imaginable, are requisite to alleviate the difficulties and sorrows of widowhood.

XVI. Despise not your parents, if happily you should be so blest as to have gained a degree of knowledge or fortune superior to them; but on the contrary, have compassion on their infirmities, excuse their foibles, and, as much as you can supply their wants. They took the greatest care of you in your helpless infancy; and you ought certainly to return it in the helpless and feeble period of their sickness and old age.

XVII. Maintain an affectionate regard for your brothers and sisters. Fraternal love is not only agreeable to nature, and well-pleasing to God, but will likewise promote the happiness of your parents, and be productive of many advantages, and attended with many comforts. Behold how good and