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pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.

XVIII Flee youthful lusts; for the indulgence of these most commonly leads to ruin and misery. You have many examples of the pernicious and fatal effects of such ways; therefore let the misconduct of others warn you to avoid the dangerous rocks they have split upon. And happy shall you be, if you this gain wisdom by their folly.

XIX. Use the greatest care and circumspection to avoid bad company of both sexes, but especilly of the female: for bad company of that kind is the most poisonous corrupter of youth. It is the greatest enemy to every good principle, and to good manners.

XX. Never be guilty of the vice of lying; for it renders youth both dangerous and despicable, and sows the seeds of a very worthless and contemptible character in future life.

XXI. Carefully avoid the common and pernicious practice of swearing, as utterly inexcusable. It has no plea of pleasure or utility to urge in its defence, and it is certainly a very great affront to Almighty God. otherwise St. James would not have said, Above all things, my brethren, swear not.

XXII. Use no kind of obscene expressions in your conversation, nor give countenance to it, by listening to it in others. It is the