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surest indication of an impure and a depraved, as well as a weak heart.

Immodest words admit of no defence,
For want of deceney is want of sense.

XXIII. Idleness is the root of all evil; therefore be not slothful in business.

Flee sloth, the canker of good men and parts,
Of health, of wealth, of honour, and of arts;
Industry choose your innocence 'twill guard,
And health and wealth your labour will reward.

XXIV. Since it is God alone who worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure, constantly and fervently pray to him, to assist you with his divine grace and influence in the due discharge of your duty to your parents.

Finally. If you expect happiness here and hereafter, if you expect favour either from God or man, do not neglect your duty to your parents; but by lives of duty, virtue, and religion, by a conscientious denial and subdual of youthful lusts, by avoiding all bad company, by diligently employing yourselves in your lawful callings, and by keeping your tongues from lying, swearing, and indecency, endear yourselves more and more to your tender and affectionate parents. Give them cause to bless God perpetually for you; give them cause to rejoice, that amidst all the temptations to vice which