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Life may be compared to a book, our days to the leaves of it.

We should be careful to write nothing in any page which we should be ashamed to have seen by all the world.

Happy will it be for us when we come to give up our account, (and no man knows how soon he may be called upon) if we can produce records of virtuous actions; but it will fill us with confusion to find many pages entirely blank, and others disfigured with foul blots.

A prudent friend eases many troubles; one who is not so multiplies them.

Pleasures, unless they be wholly innocent, are never of so long continuance as the sting they leave behind them.

Much of the misery of mankind is owing to that unhappy proneness which is in them, to think too badly of their real condition, and fancy evils which do not belong to it.

Fear God; this fear is the most valuable treasure of the heart of man; you will find it accompanied with wisdom, peace, joy, high pleasure, true liberty, and unblemished glory.

Grief is a passion commendable but for a time; a poison which works strongly if not looked to: it depends on ourselves to reap advantage from misfortunes.

To be a knave is to rebel against God.

Men are born to be serviceable to one another.