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Adversity is the best school; we may be spoiled by prosperity, or confirmed in virtue by misfortune.

They hurt themselves that wrong others.

Christianity is a straight path, which will always conduct us right.

God will have all his creatures love him before they are admitted to behold his Glory.

It is not our business to be thinking what the state of other people's souls will be, but to be doing what will make our own state happy; we cannot all be wise, but we may all be virtuous.

The world is constant to no man; apply thyself and thy heart to the great Creator of the world, and he will not disappoint thee in thy reasonable expectations.

A long life is of little worth, and of small advantage, if it be spent in the service of the world, not of God.

Passions are the gales of life, and it is our part to see that they do not rise into a tempest.

The foundation of a happy old age must be laid in youth.

Grieve not for the dead; if they led good lives they are past all dangerous storms, rather emulate their rest, having finished their course. We too shall land at the same noble port, and partake of their endless joys, if we are so wise as to chuse them.