“counsel” means a person admitted to practise as counsel before the Supreme Court;
“court” means any court of the Colony of competent jurisdiction;
“Crown Agents” means the persons or body for the time being acting as Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations;
“Crown lease” means any lease granted by the Crown, any instrument whereby the term of a crown lease may have been extended or the provisions thereof varied and any agreement for a Crown lease;
“daily penalty” means a penalty for each day on which the offence is continued after conviction therefor;
“definition” means the interpretation given by an Ordinance to any word or expression;
“District Court” means the District Court of Hong Kong;
“District Judge” means a judge of the District Court;
“document” means any publication and any matter written, expressed or described upon any substance by means of letters, characters, figures or marks, or by more than one of these means;
“Executive Council” means the Executive Council of Hong Kong;
“export” means to take out or cause to be taken out of the Colony by air, land or water;
“Financial Secretary” means the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong and the Deputy Financial Secretary;
“financial year” means the period from the 1st day of April in any year to the 31st day of March in the immediately succeeding year, both days inclusive;
“Gazette” means—
- (a) the Hong Kong Government Gazette and any supplement thereto;
- (b) the Hong Kong (British Military Administration) Gazette published on or between the 12th day of October, 1945 and the 1st day of May, 1946; and
- (c) any Special Gazette or Gazette Extraordinary;
“Government” means the Government of Hong Kong;
“Government Printer” means the Government Printer of Hong Kong and any other printer authorized by or on behalf of the Governor to print any Ordinance or any other document of the Government;
“Governor” means—
- (a) the Governor of Hong Kong;
- (b) any officer for the time being administering the Government;