- (c) to the extent to which a deputy to the Governor is authorized to perform on behalf of the Governor any functions of the Governor, the Deputy to the Governor; and
- (d) where the Governor of Hong Kong is not intended, the Governor-General, Governor, administrator or other officer for the time being administering the government of any British possession;
“Governor in Council”, “Governor in Executive Council” and “Governor with the advice of the Executive Council” mean the Governor acting after consultation with the Executive Council in accordance with Royal Instructions but not necessarily in such Council assembled;
“harbour" means the waters of the Colony within the boundaries specified in the Third Schedule.Third Schedule;
“health officer” means—
- (a) the Director and any Deputy Director, Senior Assistant Director and Assistant Director of Medical and Health Services;
- (b) any person appointed as a health officer by the Governor; and
- (c) any person for the time being performing the duties of a health officer under any Ordinance;
“immovable property” means—
- (a) land, whether covered by water or not;
- (b) any estate, right, interest or easement in or over any land; and
- (c) things attached to land or permanently fastened to anything attached to land;
“imperial enactment” means—
- (a) any Act;
- (b) any Order in Council;
- (c) any Letters Patent or Royal Instructions; and
- (d) any rule, regulation, proclamation, order, notice, rule of court, by-law or other instrument made under or by virtue of any Act, Order in Council, Letters Patent or Royal Instructions;
“import” means to bring or cause to be brought into the Colony by air, land or water;
“infant” and "minor” mean a person who has not attained the age of twenty-one years;
“instrument" includes any publication in the Gazette having legal effect;
“judge” means the Chief Justice and any other judge of the Supreme Court;
“justice” and “justice of the peace” mean a person appointed to be a justice of the peace for the Colony either by the Governor or by or under any Ordinance;