Page:Interpretation of dreams and moles.pdf/19

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How to chuse a good Husband or Wife.

1. If the man be of a ruddy complexion high and full nosed, his eye-brows bending archwise, his eyes standing full, of a black (illegible text) lively colour, it denotes him to be good-natured, ingenious, and born to good fortune: And the same of a woman, if she be born under the planet Jupiter.

2. If a party be phlegmatic, lean, and of a dusky complexion, and given much to musing and melancholy, beware of such an one of what sex soever.

3. An indifferent wide mouth, with full cheeks, smooth forehead, little ears, dark brown hair, and a chin proportionable to the face, is very promising.

4. An extraordinary thin chin, with the under lip larger than the upper, signifies a cross-grained person, fit for little performance, yet given to great folly.

5. A long nose in a man, and a little mouth in a woman, signifies neither can be deceived in their marriage views.

7. A well set, broad chin in a man, his face being round, and not too great, and a dimple or dint in a woman’s cheek or chin denotes they will come together, and live happy in their married state.