Page:Interpretation of dreams and moles.pdf/20

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Several characters, or semblance of letters and lines in the hand as they tend to signify riches, honour, long or short life, poverty, loss, number of wives or children, sickness, untimely death, and many other things according to the Art of Palmistry.

There are in this case, divers Letters & Lines appearing in the hand by which the wise of all ages have given judgement in the foregoing premises.

1. If the character A, be found on the mount of Jupiter, or the root of the middle finger, it promises a growing fortune, and perhaps considerable preferment, by the favour of princes and great men.

2. If a B be found on the mount of the Sun, which is at the root of the fourth finger, it signifieth length of days, prosperity, a creditable man also a virtuous person.

3. If O with a star over it, appears on the mount of Venus, it gives the person early and happy marriage, promises many children, and a merry life.

4. If the letter L, be on the mount of Saturn, which is at the root of the middle finger, and be cut with cross lines, it denotes the party to undergo much affliction