Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/53

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A canteen. A door on the left leads to the road. There is a window on either side. In the back, there are doors that lead into a special hall. The door on the right is an entrance into the innkeeper's chamber. The space is full of tables and chairs respectively. There is a sideboard on the right.

Kalander and two workers are seated on the right. Jerman comes in from the left, covered by a cloak . . . With a sincerely serious, nearly melancholic look. Yells to the door behind him.

Jerman. : Bring me some water! (Disposes their hat on the stand.) How's it going?

Kalander. It is looking bad! Three women spit at me on my way here – a bad omen.

Worker. They gathered behind the church . . . There was dribbling and slabber as though it was the Great Friday.

Bartender: (Brings water.) Let me tell you something, excellence – do not blame me for this – for I did promise you a place, I will not break my word . . . However, next time I ask you to gather elsewhere . . . See, I dislike trouble . . . I'm an innkeeper . . . An innkeeper for all honest people . . . I do not deprive anyone . . . Be welcome! I only dislike trouble . . . It must be this way, do not blame me! (Starts to leave.)

Jerman. (Has poured themselves some water, now they spill it on the floor.) In this case . . . I would prefer some wine! (The bartender tosses them a bottle and leaves.)