Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/54

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Another worker: He has already been given a lesson, poor man.

Jerman. Isn't the air a little clammy?

Kalander. It is a neat autumn day; not many are couthy like this one.

Jerman. It may be just me . . . I had a bad sleep; my head has been heavy since the sunrise. (The bartender brings some wine; sets it on the table quietly; leaves.) Shall we remain in solitude, this gathering will be short and to the point. Let's discuss quietly and alone; how stringent the times we live are, how much more swingeing the hamlets we have domiciled are . . . Let's further discuss how we cannot remold the times nor the hamlets. One cannot impede hail nor deaden spree into fructuous soil . . . I have discerned them on my way before I entered this inn: they were gone to do litanies, to heil Christ, Mary and other saints. Yet there was so much mud in their eyes one would avoid them by a kilometer or so. Saint Francis taught the cattle to have love for one another; these hybrids cannot learn.

Kalander. Sir, do not preach like so. Tell the bastard they're a bastard; they will take their blade and slash your skull in two, saying: "One thing I am not is a bastard!"

(The mayor appears in the background, wearing their cloak loosely and a hat on their head, hands behind their back. The mayor stands before the door, laughing quietly.)

Jerman. Be welcome, Mayor!

Mayor. (Laughing, speaking slowly.) There are plenty of you, brothers! (Turns around and exits.)

Kalander. There was no need to welcome this rat . . . Chubby swine who occluded their windows when the purposeful procession went by!