Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/77

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Pastor. It was.

Jerman. It may have been a moment or it might have been a thousand years . . . Regardless?

Pastor. It was.

Jerman. This person being especially dear to me . . . Say it was my mother . . .

Pastor. Kneel down tonight, pray . . . God is like a wanderer. She desires a warm word and answers honest greetings.

Jerman. Tell me further, senior, tell me: had I bowed now and prayed . . .

Pastor. If you do so, you will have been pardoned by tomorrow morning.

Jerman. Would that moment return?

Pastor. God knows to forgive . . .

Jerman. Had the mouth voiced which the heart does not intend; had the chest known no pray, no sorrow?

Pastor. You wouldn't've been pardoned.

Jerman. God is though and just; desires the heart, not the voice. (They both walk towards the back side.)

Pastor. Farewell! Have a safe journey . . . Let this word ease you: (Speaks slowly.) You have done like I, the worthless serf of God, would. (The Pastor leaves.)

Jerman. Even god is merciful, as just as xe is. (Takes a step to the left; a candle shines from behind the curtain. Jerman enters the small room on the left.)

Jerman. Mother! Look at me once more, mother! Say one more word, show one more smile! (A pause.) I kneel before you; look, mother! One word, one greeting! (A pause.) Mother! I did as my heart commands; you taught me not to lie – my heart is of your heart; my thought and my words come from my heart. Mother! Command me to pray – I shall. Command me to fast – I shall. Do not command me to swap my beating heart for a silent stone! . . . (A pause.) Mother, I hold your hand, though it is cooled and does not tremble. You were merciful whenever I sinned; now you are though